GTA 4 story’s main roles are given to Niko Bellic, Roman Bellic, Mallorie Bardas and a couple of others. In GTA 4 storyline, Roman loves Mallorie and they just announced it to Niko, their brother via a phone call in turns. Okay, it’s time to watch and feel this GTA 4 storyline moment. Enjoy!
Here’s how Mallorie said it to Niko that she’s going to marry Roman, that she said yes to his proposal.
Mallorie: Hey Niko.
Niko: What’s up Mallorie?
Mallorie: Roman hasn’t spoken to you about anything, has he? Nothing about maybe asking me to marry him?
Niko: I haven’t heard anything, but I’m sure it would be a really good thing for both of you.
Mallorie: Thanks and hey, Roman and I decided to be honest with each other last night. He told me about Vlad.
Niko: He did?
Mallorie: Yeah, thanks for helping him get rid of the body. He has such fire in his heart. I guess when he found out about me and Vlad he couldn’t help himself. His love for me took over and he just had to kill him.
Niko: That’s exactly right, he’s an old school romantic. See you soon, Mal.
And after some time, Roman gives his call to Niko say that he proposed Mallorie to marry him. Here’s how that went with a bit embarrassing moment for Niko.
Roman: Niko, it’s finally official. Since the moment I met Mallorie, I knew that she was the only woman for me.
Niko: Apart from those other ones you screw, right?
Roman: No, certainly not. They were just distractions from my one TRUE love. I proposed to Mallorie, Niko. She said she would marry me. Now all we need to do is find you a wife and we can all settle down happily ever after.
Niko: I’m working on it, cousin. There’s this girl I like – she’s called Kate McReary.
Roman: I’ll invite her to the wedding.
Niko: You don’t even know her, Roman so please try not to embarrass me. Congratulations on the engagement.
Roman: Thank you, cousin.
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