MHW Decorations are a core part of a Pro Monster Hunter, because these Decorations give you an amazing chance to Power Up your weapon, armor and the whole Hunting to your favor. Of course, first you need to have knowledge about these tiny little MHW Decorations — what they do, how to get them, which ones to use and a lot more …
Jewels are another name used to refer MHW Decorations, even in in-game menus. No matter whether you use Jewels, Gems or Decorations, there is a whole lot you can learn about these today at GamesTunnel.
Sneak a Peak!
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MHW Decorations Farming — Being Realistic
How To Get Decorations Or Jewels?
Deco Drop Rate Table — Feystone Appraisal
MHW Feystones Drop Rate Table
How To Get Jewels You Want?
MHW Decorations Weight Table
Time For Some FAQs
Monster Hunter World is my very first Monster Hunter game. And the whole bunch of new words, mechanics, decorations, weapon crafting etc. felt so confusing at first. But I learned many of those things after playing more than 1200+ Hrs by now. There are a lot of Decorations in MHW, many of those are added as you gain access to them in your Game progress.
That’s why I thought to write an MHW Decorations Explained article.
This way you can avoid majority of the mindless hunting assuming you’ll get your preferred Jewel or Decoration, Or avoid doing test-runs to figure out exactly what a specific Decoration does.
MHW Decorations List — All of Them
I know you’re here to quickly scan and find the full Monster Hunter World decorations list, so I went ahead and crafted this MHW Decorations table for you. Go on dive!
Decoration | Slot Level | Rarity | Weapon Type | Max Power Level | Skill Info |
Brace Jewel | 3 | 6 | All | 3 Jewels Prevents knockbacks and tripping | Stops reactions to Monster Damage or Teammate Attacks. |
Earplug Jewel | 3 | 6 | All | 5 Jewels Nullifies all monster roars | Gives you the chance to keep attacking when monsters Scream. |
Pierce Jewel | 3 | 8 | Long-range | 1 Jewel Increases the power of Piercing Ammo and Dragon Piercer | Lets you do more damage with Piercing Ammo and Dragon Piercer arrows. |
Spread Jewel | 3 | 8 | Long-range | 1 Jewel Increases the power of Spread Ammo and Power Shots | Lets you do more damage with Spread Ammo and Power Shot arrows. |
Draw Jewel | 2 | 8 | All | 2 Jewels Coming soon | Lets you do more damage with weapon Draw Attacks. |
Release Jewel | 3 | 8 | All | 3 Jewels Coming soon | Releases the hidden Elemental Power of a weapon. |
Challenger Jewel | 2 | 7 | All | 5 Jewels Coming soon | Boost your Attack and Affinity while monster is enraged. |
Forceshot Jewel | 3 | 7 | Bow & Bowguns | 1 Jewel Coming soon | Lets you do more than usual Damage with Normal Ammo/Arrows. |
Magazine Jewel | 2 | 7 | All | 1 Jewel Coming soon | Capacity boost for Gulance Shells and Charge Blade Phials. |
Refresh Jewel | 2 | 7 | All | 3 Jewels Coming soon | Lets you do continually Attack by boosting Stamian Recovery. |
Shield Jewel | 2 | 7 | All | 1 Jewel Coming soon | Coming soon, still haven’t got this jewel |
Dragonseal Jewel | 3 | 7 | All | 1 Jewel Boosts Elderseal by one level | Increases the Elderseal of the weapon and Dragon Ammo. |
Poisoncoat Jewel | 3 | 6 | Bows | 1 Jewel Lets you use Poison coating | Allows you to apply Poison Coatings arrows for any Bow. |
Paracoat Jewel | 3 | 7 | Bows | 1 Jewel Lets you use Paralysis coating | Allows you to apply Paralysis Coatings arrows for any Bow. |
Blastcoat Jewel | 3 | 7 | Bows | 1 Jewel Lets you use Blast coating | Allows you to apply Blast Coatings arrows for any Bow. |
Sleepcoat Jewel | 3 | 7 | Bows | 1 Jewel Lets you use Sleep coating | Allows you to apply Sleep Coatings arrows for any Bow. |
Handicraft Jewel | 3 | 8 | Close-range | 5 Jewels +50% Weapon Sharpness boost | Increases the weapon sharpness when the Sharpness Bar has room for it. |
Charger Jewel | 2 | 8 | All | 3 Jewels +20% Guage Fill Rate boost. +15% Charge Times reduction | Increases the Fill Rate for weapons with Guages and the Charge Rate for weapons with Charge Attacks. |
Wind Resist Jewel | 2 | 6 | All | 5 Jewels Negates all Wind Pressure | Gives you chance to ignore wind pressure reactions and keep attacking. |
Footing Jewel | 2 | 6 | All | 3 Jewels Nullifies all Ground Tremors | Gives you chance to ignore Ground Tremor reactions and keep attacking. |
Critical Jewel | 2 | 8 | All | 3 Jewels +40% Critical Hits Damage Dealt | Increases your max attack per Critical Hit shown by white-pink flashes. |
Tenderizer Jewel | 2 | 6 | All | 3 Jewels +50% Affinity Boost for attacks on Weak Spots | Increases the Affinity of attacks exploiting a monster Weak Spot. |
Destroyer Jewel | 2 | 6 | All | 3 Jewels +30% Part Damage boost | Makes it easier to Break or Severe parts of large monsters. |
KO Jewel | 2 | 6 | All | 3 Jewels +30% Stun Power boost | Makes it easier to Stun monsters with stars around head. |
Flight Jewel | 2 | 5 | All | 1 Jewel +10% Jumping Attack power boost | Increases damage caused by Jumping Attacks. |
Throttle Jewel | 2 | 7 | All | 5 Jewels +50% Affinity Boost and Reduced Stamina depletion, while active! | Temporary increases Affinity and reduces Stamina depletion when certain conditions are met. |
Flawless Jewel | 2 | 7 | All | 3 Jewels +20 Attack boost, while active! | Increases your Max Attack only when the Health is FULL. |
Potential Jewel | 2 | 7 | All | 5 Jewels +30% Attack and 40+ Defense boost, while active! | Increases Attack power and Defense only when health drops to 35% or low. |
Furor Jewel | 2 | 7 | All | 5 Jewels +25 Attack boost, while active! | Increases Attack only when you have Recoverable Damage — Red portion of Health Bar. |
Sprinter Jewel | 2 | 8 | All | 3 Jewels +50% continuous Stamina Depletion reduction | Slows down Stamina Depletion for actions continuously drain Stamina (Dashing). |
Physique Jewel | 2 | 6 | All | 5 Jewels +50% fixed Stamina Depletion reduction | Reduces Stamina Depletion when doing Stamina-draining moves (Evading). |
Evasion Jewel | 2 | 6 | All | 5 Jewels Massively increases Invulnerability Time | Extends the Invulnerability Period when evading monster attacks. |
Jumping Jewel | 2 | 6 | All | 3 Jewels Greatly extends Evasion Distance | Increases Evade Distance when evading monster attacks. |
Mighty Jewel | 2 | 7 | All | 3 Jewels +30% Affinity boost, while active! | Increases Affinity only when Stamina is FULL. Dash Juice is good. |
Slider Jewel | 2 | 6 | All | 1 Jewel +30% Affinity boost for 15 Seconds | Sliding increases Affinity for a short time. |
Enhancer Jewel | 2 | 7 | Few Close-rangers | 3 Jewels +40% Powered-Up bonus duration | Allows Longsword, Dual Blades, Insect Glaive and Charge Blade to stay powered-up longer. |
Mighty Bow Jewel | 2 | 8 | Bow | 1 Jewel Activates the Skill effect | Increases the Max Bow Charge level by one. |
Sharp Jewel | 2 | 7 | Close-range | 1 Jewel Stops Sharpness decrease for 60 Seconds | Weapon Sharpness doesn’t decrease for a set time after sharpening each time. |
Mind’s Eye Jewel | 2 | 8 | All | 1 Jewel Activates the Skill Effects | Stops deflecting Attacks. Shortens the distance before Ammo & Arrows reach maximum power. |
Elementless Jewel | 2 | 6 | Close-range | 1 Jewel +10% Base Attack boost for non-elemental weapons | Increases Attack power of the Non-Elemental weapons you equip. |
Antidote Jewel | 1 | 5 | All | 3 Jewels 100% Poison resistance | Grants protection against the effects of Poison. |
Antipara Jewel | 1 | 5 | All | 3 Jewels 100% Paralysis resistance | Grants protection against the effects of Paralysis. |
Pep Jewel | 1 | 5 | All | 3 Jewels 100% Sleep resistance | Grants protection against the effects of Sleep. |
Steadfast Jewel | 1 | 6 | All | 3 Jewels 100% Stun resistance | Grants protection against the effects of Stun. |
Attack Jewel | 1 | 7 | All | 7 Jewels 21% Attack and +5% Affinity boost | Increases your Max Attack and Affinity. |
Antiblast Jewel | 1 | 5 | All | 3 Jewels 100% Blast resistance | Grants protection against the effects of Blastblight. |
Suture Jewel | 1 | 5 | All | 3 Jewels 100% Bleeding resistance | Grants protection against the effects of Bleeding. |
Def Lock Jewel | 1 | 5 | All | 3 Jewels 100% Prevents Defense Down | Grants protection against Defense Down, No more staying down. |
Defense Jewel | 1 | 6 | All | 7 Jewels +35 Defense and +3 All Elemental Resistances | Increases your Max Defense and Elemental Resistances. |
Vitality Jewel | 1 | 6 | All | 3 Jewels +50 Health boost | Increases your Max Health from 100 to 150. |
Recovery Jewel | 1 | 6 | All | 3 Jewels 4x Recovery Speed boost | Increases the speed of healing Recoverable Damage, red portion in Health Bar. |
Fire Res Jewel | 1 | 5 | All | 3 Jewels +20 Fire Resistance and +10 Defense boost | Increases Fire Resistance and Defense also at Level 3. |
Water Res Jewel | 1 | 5 | All | 3 Jewels +20 Water Resistance and +10 Defense boost | Increases Water Resistance and Defense also at Level 3. |
Ice Res Jewel | 1 | 5 | All | 3 Jewels +20 Ice Resistance and +10 Defense boost | Increases Ice Resistance and Defense also at Level 3. |
Thunder Res Jewel | 1 | 5 | All | 3 Jewels +20 Thunder Resistance and +10 Defense boost | Increases Thunder Resistance and Defense also at Level 3. |
Dragon Res Jewel | 1 | 5 | All | 3 Jewels +20 Dragon Resistance and +10 Defense boost | Increases Dragon Resistance and Defense also at Level 3. |
Resistor Jewel | 1 | 6 | All | 3 Jewels Nullifies all Elemental Blights | Stops all Elemental Blights to help you keep attacking. |
Blaze Jewel | 1 | 6 | All | 5 Jewels +10% Fire Attack and +100 Bonus | Increases Fire Elemental Attack on weapons with Fire Element. |
Stream Jewel | 1 | 6 | All | 5 Jewels +10% Water Attack and +100 Bonus | Increases Water Elemental Attack on weapons with Water Element. |
Frost Jewel | 1 | 6 | All | 5 Jewels +10% Ice Attack and +100 Bonus | Increases Ice Elemental Attack on weapons with Ice Element. |
Bolt Jewel | 1 | 6 | All | 5 Jewels +10% Thunder Attack and +100 Bonus | Increases Thunder Elemental Attack on weapons with Thunder Element. |
Dragon Jewel | 1 | 6 | All | 5 Jewels +10% Dragon Attack and +100 Bonus | Increases Dragon Elemental Attack on weapons with Dragon Element. |
Venom Jewel | 1 | 6 | All | 3 Jewels +20% Poison buildup and +10 Bonus | Increases rate of Poison BuildUp on weapons with Poison Element. |
Paralyzer Jewel | 1 | 6 | All | 3 Jewels +20% Paralysis buildup and +10 Bonus | Increases rate of Paralysis BuildUp on weapons with Paralysis Element. |
Sleep Jewel | 1 | 6 | All | 3 Jewels +20% Sleep buildup and +10 Bonus | Increases rate of Sleep BuildUp on weapons with Sleep Element. |
Trueshot Jewel | 1 | 7 | Bow & Bowguns | 2 Jewels +20% Special Ammo and Dragon Peircer Power boost | Lets you do more Damage with Special Ammo in Bowguns and Dragon Peircer in Bows. |
Blast Jewel | 1 | 7 | All | 3 Jewels +20% Blast buildup and +10 Bonus | Increases rate of Blast BuildUp on weapons with Blast Element. |
Expert Jewel | 1 | 6 | All | 7 Jewels +30% Affinity boost | Increases your Max Affinity to deal higher damage per shot. |
Drain Jewel | 1 | 6 | All | 3 Jewels +30% Exhaust Power boost | Increases certain attacks’ ability to exhaust the monsters. |
Fortitude Jewel | 1 | 5 | All | 1 Jewel +10% Attack and +15% Defense boost, each use | Increases Max Attack & Defense when you faint each time for twice. |
Sonorous Jewel | 1 | 6 | Hunting Horns | 1 Jewel Increases melody Effect Duration & Health Receovery | Increases the Effect Duration of Hunting Horn melodies. |
Artillery Jewel | 1 | 8 | Gunlace, Charge Blade, Bowgun | 3 Jewels +30% Each Attack power boost. +50% Reduction in Wyvern’s Fire cooldown | Increases Explosive Attacks like Gunlance Shells, Wyvern’s Fire, Charge Blade phial and Sticky Ammo. |
Heavy Artillery Jewel | 1 | 5 | Mounted Guns | 2 Jewels +20% Firepower boost | Increases Firepower of Ballistae & Cannons such as in Arena. |
Hungerless Jewel | 1 | 5 | All | 3 Jewels Stops Stamina Cap from decreasing | Reduces Maximum Stamina Cap from decreasing over time. |
Ironwall Jewel | 1 | 7 | All Guard Weapons | 5 Jewels +50% Stamina Reduction. Massively decreases attack impacts | Reduces Knockbacks and Stamina Depletion when Guarding or Blocking. |
Sheath Jewel | 1 | 6 | All | 3 Jewels Greatly increases Sheathing speed | Speeds up the weapon sheathing, Or taken out to ready for attack. |
Friendship Jewel | 1 | 6 | All | 5 Jewels +100% Item affects for allies in a much wider area | Lets you Buff-Up your Team such as Health Recovery, Attack Boost etc. |
Enduring Jewel | 1 | 6 | All | 3 Jewels +50% Item Effect duration boost | Extends the Duration of some Item Effects such as Might Seeds. |
Satiated Jewel | 1 | 5 | All | 1 Jewel +25% Activation increases | Gives you a predetermined chance of Consuming a Food or Drink item for Free. |
Gobbler Jewel | 1 | 5 | All | 3 Jewels Greatly increases Item Use Speed | Increases the Meat and Item Consumption Speed. |
Grinder Jewel | 1 | 6 | Close-range | 3 Jewels +3 Cycles removed from Sharpening Process | Increases the Weapon Sharpening Speed when using a Whetstone. |
Bomber Jewel | 1 | 6 | All | 3 Jewels +30% Explosive Power boost | Increases the Damage done by Explosive Items such as Mega Bombs. |
Fungiform Jewel | 1 | 8 | All | 3 Jewels Can eat Blue Mushrooms, Toadstools, Nitroshrooms, Parashrooms, Mandragoras, Devil’s Blight & Exciteshrooms | Lets you digest Inedible Mushrooms to gain their advantageous effects. |
Protection Jewel | 1 | 5 | All | 3 Jewels +50% Damage Taken reduction, while active! | Has a predetermined chance of reducing the Damage Taken. |
Meowster Jewel | 1 | 5 | All | 5 Jewels +25% Palico Attack & Defense boost | Increases Attack & Defense of your Palico. Not useful in Multiplayer. |
Botany Jewel | 1 | 5 | All | 4 Jewels +1 Herb, Fruit, Nut, Seed, Insect or Mushroom | Increases quantity of Herbs & Consumable Items you gather. |
Geology Jewel | 1 | 5 | All | 3 Jewels +1 Extra Gather in Gathering Points, Bonepiles & Mining Outcrops | Increases the number of times you can use a Gathering Point by once. |
Stonethrower Jewel | 1 | 6 | All | 3 Jewels Capacity boost for Ammo collected from Ground, Plants and All Monster Dropped ones | Increases the loading Capacity of Slinger Ammo obtained in the field such as Crystal Pods. |
Tip Toe Jewel | 1 | 5 | All | 3 Jewels Lot easier for monsters to track you | Makes it easier for monsters to lose sight of you. |
Smoke Jewel | 1 | 5 | All | 3 Jewels +60 Health restoration | Lets you recover Health by using Sporepuffs. |
Mirewalker Jewel | 1 | 5 | All | 3 Jewels Stops slow movements & greatly improves evasion | Lets you forget it’s Water by improving your mobility in Water. |
Specimen Jewel | 1 | 5 | All | 3 Jewels Small insect monsters always be left behind | Decreases the chance of destroying the bodies of Small Insect Monsters, allowing you to carve. |
Scent Jewel | 1 | 5 | All | 3 Jewels +50% Guage Fill rate boost | Increases scoutflies’ Guage Fill rate when you find Tracks & Traces left by Monsters. |
Intimidator Jewel | 1 | 5 | All | 3 Jewels Stops Monsters from attacking you even after spotting | Reduces the chance of Small Monsters attacking you after spotting. |
Medicine Jewel | 1 | 6 | All | 3 Jewels +30% Amount Recover boost | Increase the amount of Health Recovered when using Health potions. |
Crisis Jewel | 1 | 5 | All | 1 Jewel Greatly improves Evasion Invulnerability time. Reduces Stamina Depletion, while active! | Improves Evasion and Redcuces Stamina Depletion whhile on Abnormal Status effects. |
Maintenance Jewel | 1 | 5 | All | 3 Jewels +20% Shorten time until Reuse | Reduces the ReCharge time for Specialized Tools for Reuse. |
Miasma Jewel | 1 | 5 | All | 3 Jewels +100% Effuvial Resistance | Lets you attack Vaal Hazak ignoring Effluvial Buildup with resistance for it. |
MHW Decorations Farming — Being Realistic
Once you know what Decorations exists and their power, you feel the need to get your chosen Decorations. However, it’s not that simple. While you can always get lower category and lower Rarity Decorations pretty quickly, you can’t expect the same for the top-notch Decorations.
That’s why MHW Decorations farming is HARD!
But you can prepare to be realistic by knowing all the ways you can gain these decorations.
How To Get Decorations Or Jewels,
- Decorations can be received by apprasing Feystones received in Tempered Hunting quests.
- By melding at Elder Melder.
- With Event Quests such as The Greatest Jagras and My Name Is Lavasioth.
In other words, Melding and Feystone Appraisal are the only 2 ways to get Decorations. Both methods are affected by the same Drop Rates mentioned in the below table.
MHW Decorations Drop Rate Table — Feystone Appraisal
Decoration | Category | Rarity | Jewel Type | Relative Chance per Rarity | Actual Appraisal Chance |
Brace Jewel | B | 6 | Mysterious Feystone Gleaming Feystone Worn Feystone Warped Feystone | 15% 34% 82% 77% | 0.71% 1.62% 3.90% 3.67% |
Earplug Jewel | B | 6 | Mysterious Feystone Gleaming Feystone Worn Feystone Warped Feystone | 15% 34% 82% 77% | 0.43% 0.97% 2.34% 2.20% |
Pierce Jewel | S | 8 | Mysterious Feystone Gleaming Feystone Worn Feystone Warped Feystone | – – 2% 5% | – – 0.09% 0.23% |
Spread Jewel | S | 8 | Mysterious Feystone Gleaming Feystone Worn Feystone Warped Feystone | – – 2% 5% | – – 0.27% 0.68% |
Draw Jewel | S | 8 | Mysterious Feystone Gleaming Feystone Worn Feystone Warped Feystone | – – 2% 5% | – – 0.09% 0.23% |
Release Jewel | S | 8 | Mysterious Feystone Gleaming Feystone Worn Feystone Warped Feystone | – – 2% 5% | – – 0.09% 0.23% |
Challenger Jewel | A | 7 | Mysterious Feystone Gleaming Feystone Worn Feystone Warped Feystone | – 1% 6% 18% | – 0.02% 0.10% 0.30% |
Forceshot Jewel | A | 7 | Mysterious Feystone Gleaming Feystone Worn Feystone Warped Feystone | – 1% 6% 18% | – 0.02% 0.10% 0.30% |
Magazine Jewel | A | 7 | Mysterious Feystone Gleaming Feystone Worn Feystone Warped Feystone | – 1% 6% 18% | – 0.02% 0.10% 0.30% |
Refresh Jewel | A | 7 | Mysterious Feystone Gleaming Feystone Worn Feystone Warped Feystone | – 1% 6% 18% | – 0.02% 0.10% 0.30% |
Shield Jewel | A | 7 | Mysterious Feystone Gleaming Feystone Worn Feystone Warped Feystone | – 1% 6% 18% | – 0.02% 0.10% 0.30% |
Dragonseal Jewel | A | 7 | Mysterious Feystone Gleaming Feystone Worn Feystone Warped Feystone | – 1% 6% 18% | – 0.05% 0.30% 0.90% |
Poisoncoat Jewel | B | 6 | Mysterious Feystone Gleaming Feystone Worn Feystone Warped Feystone | 15% 34% 82% 77% | 0.71% 1.62% 3.90% 3.67% |
Paracoat Jewel | A | 7 | Mysterious Feystone Gleaming Feystone Worn Feystone Warped Feystone | – 1% 6% 18% | – 0.05% 0.30% 0.90% |
Blastcoat Jewel | A | 7 | Mysterious Feystone Gleaming Feystone Worn Feystone Warped Feystone | – 1% 6% 18% | – 0.08% 0.50% 1.50% |
Sleepcoat Jewel | A | 7 | Mysterious Feystone Gleaming Feystone Worn Feystone Warped Feystone | – 1% 6% 18% | – 0.08% 0.50% 1.50% |
Handicraft Jewel | S | 8 | Mysterious Feystone Gleaming Feystone Worn Feystone Warped Feystone | – – 2% 5% | – – 0.09% 0.23% |
Charger Jewel | S | 8 | Mysterious Feystone Gleaming Feystone Worn Feystone Warped Feystone | – – 2% 5% | – – 0.09% 0.23% |
Wind Resist Jewel | B | 6 | Mysterious Feystone Gleaming Feystone Worn Feystone Warped Feystone | 15% 34% 82% 77% | 0.43% 0.97% 2.34% 2.20% |
Footing Jewel | B | 6 | Mysterious Feystone Gleaming Feystone Worn Feystone Warped Feystone | 15% 34% 82% 77% | 0.71% 1.62% 3.90% 3.67% |
Critical Jewel | S | 8 | Mysterious Feystone Gleaming Feystone Worn Feystone Warped Feystone | – – 2% 5% | – – 0.45% 1.14% |
Tenderizer Jewel | B | 6 | Mysterious Feystone Gleaming Feystone Worn Feystone Warped Feystone | 15% 34% 82% 77% | 0.14% 0.32% 0.78% 0.73% |
Destroyer Jewel | B | 6 | Mysterious Feystone Gleaming Feystone Worn Feystone Warped Feystone | 15% 34% 82% 77% | 0.14% 0.32% 0.78% 0.73% |
KO Jewel | B | 6 | Mysterious Feystone Gleaming Feystone Worn Feystone Warped Feystone | 15% 34% 82% 77% | 0.43% 0.97% 2.34% 2.20% |
Flight Jewel | C | 5 | Mysterious Feystone Gleaming Feystone Worn Feystone Warped Feystone | 85% 65% 10% – | 4.57% 3.49% 0.54% – |
Throttle Jewel | A | 7 | Mysterious Feystone Gleaming Feystone Worn Feystone Warped Feystone | – 1% 6% 18% | – 0.08% 0.50% 1.50% |
Flawless Jewel | A | 7 | Mysterious Feystone Gleaming Feystone Worn Feystone Warped Feystone | – 1% 6% 18% | – 0.08% 0.50% 1.50% |
Potential Jewel | A | 7 | Mysterious Feystone Gleaming Feystone Worn Feystone Warped Feystone | – 1% 6% 18% | – 0.08% 0.50% 1.50% |
Furor Jewel | A | 7 | Mysterious Feystone Gleaming Feystone Worn Feystone Warped Feystone | – 1% 6% 18% | – 0.02% 0.10% 0.30% |
Sprinter Jewel | S | 8 | Mysterious Feystone Gleaming Feystone Worn Feystone Warped Feystone | – – 2% 5% | – – 0.09% 0.23% |
Physique Jewel | B | 6 | Mysterious Feystone Gleaming Feystone Worn Feystone Warped Feystone | 15% 34% 82% 77% | 0.14% 0.32% 0.78% 0.73% |
Evasion Jewel | B | 6 | Mysterious Feystone Gleaming Feystone Worn Feystone Warped Feystone | 15% 34% 82% 77% | 0.14% 0.32% 0.78% 0.73% |
Jumping Jewel | B | 6 | Mysterious Feystone Gleaming Feystone Worn Feystone Warped Feystone | 15% 34% 82% 77% | 0.14% 0.32% 0.78% 0.73% |
Mighty Jewel | A | 7 | Mysterious Feystone Gleaming Feystone Worn Feystone Warped Feystone | – 1% 6% 18% | – 0.05% 0.30% 0.90% |
Slider Jewel | B | 6 | Mysterious Feystone Gleaming Feystone Worn Feystone Warped Feystone | 15% 34% 82% 77% | 0.43% 0.97% 2.34% 2.20% |
Enhancer Jewel | A | 7 | Mysterious Feystone Gleaming Feystone Worn Feystone Warped Feystone | – 1% 6% 18% | – 0.05% 0.30% 0.90% |
Mighty Bow Jewel | S | 8 | Mysterious Feystone Gleaming Feystone Worn Feystone Warped Feystone | – – 2% 5% | – – 0.27% 0.68% |
Sharp Jewel | A | 7 | Mysterious Feystone Gleaming Feystone Worn Feystone Warped Feystone | – 1% 6% 18% | – 0.05% 0.30% 0.90% |
Mind’s Eye Jewel | S | 8 | Mysterious Feystone Gleaming Feystone Worn Feystone Warped Feystone | – – 2% 5% | – – 0.09% 0.23% |
Elementless Jewel | B | 6 | Mysterious Feystone Gleaming Feystone Worn Feystone Warped Feystone | 15% 34% 82% 77% | 0.43% 0.97% 2.34% 2.20% |
Antidote Jewel | C | 5 | Mysterious Feystone Gleaming Feystone Worn Feystone Warped Feystone | 85% 65% 10% – | 4.57% 3.49% 0.54% – |
Antipara Jewel | C | 5 | Mysterious Feystone Gleaming Feystone Worn Feystone Warped Feystone | 85% 65% 10% – | 4.57% 3.49% 0.54% – |
Pep Jewel | C | 5 | Mysterious Feystone Gleaming Feystone Worn Feystone Warped Feystone | 85% 65% 10% – | 4.57% 3.49% 0.54% – |
Steadfast Jewel | B | 6 | Mysterious Feystone Gleaming Feystone Worn Feystone Warped Feystone | 15% 34% 82% 77% | 0.71% 1.62% 3.90% 3.67% |
Attack Jewel | A | 7 | Mysterious Feystone Gleaming Feystone Worn Feystone Warped Feystone | – 1% 6% 18% | – 0.02% 0.10% 0.30% |
Antiblast Jewel | C | 5 | Mysterious Feystone Gleaming Feystone Worn Feystone Warped Feystone | 85% 65% 10% – | 2.74% 2.10% 0.32% – |
Suture Jewel | C | 5 | Mysterious Feystone Gleaming Feystone Worn Feystone Warped Feystone | 85% 65% 10% – | 2.74% 2.10% 0.32% – |
Def Lock Jewel | C | 5 | Mysterious Feystone Gleaming Feystone Worn Feystone Warped Feystone | 85% 65% 10% – | 4.57% 3.49% 0.54% – |
Defense Jewel | B | 6 | Mysterious Feystone Gleaming Feystone Worn Feystone Warped Feystone | 15% 34% 82% 77% | 0.43% 0.97% 2.34% 2.20% |
Vitality Jewel | B | 6 | Mysterious Feystone Gleaming Feystone Worn Feystone Warped Feystone | 15% 34% 82% 77% | 0.71% 1.62% 3.90% 3.67% |
Recovery Jewel | B | 6 | Mysterious Feystone Gleaming Feystone Worn Feystone Warped Feystone | 15% 34% 82% 77% | 0.14% 0.32% 0.78% 0.73% |
Fire Res Jewel | C | 5 | Mysterious Feystone Gleaming Feystone Worn Feystone Warped Feystone | 85% 65% 10% – | 2.74% 2.10% 0.32% – |
Water Res Jewel | C | 5 | Mysterious Feystone Gleaming Feystone Worn Feystone Warped Feystone | 85% 65% 10% – | 2.74% 2.10% 0.32% – |
Ice Res Jewel | C | 5 | Mysterious Feystone Gleaming Feystone Worn Feystone Warped Feystone | 85% 65% 10% – | 2.74% 2.10% 0.32% – |
Thunder Res Jewel | C | 5 | Mysterious Feystone Gleaming Feystone Worn Feystone Warped Feystone | 85% 65% 10% – | 2.74% 2.10% 0.32% – |
Dragon Res Jewel | C | 5 | Mysterious Feystone Gleaming Feystone Worn Feystone Warped Feystone | 85% 65% 10% – | 2.74% 2.10% 0.32% – |
Resistor Jewel | B | 6 | Mysterious Feystone Gleaming Feystone Worn Feystone Warped Feystone | 15% 34% 82% 77% | 0.71% 1.62% 3.90% 3.67% |
Blaze Jewel | B | 6 | Mysterious Feystone Gleaming Feystone Worn Feystone Warped Feystone | 15% 34% 82% 77% | 0.43% 0.97% 2.34% 2.20% |
Stream Jewel | B | 6 | Mysterious Feystone Gleaming Feystone Worn Feystone Warped Feystone | 15% 34% 82% 77% | 0.43% 0.97% 2.34% 2.20% |
Frost Jewel | B | 6 | Mysterious Feystone Gleaming Feystone Worn Feystone Warped Feystone | 15% 34% 82% 77% | 0.43% 0.97% 2.34% 2.20% |
Bolt Jewel | B | 6 | Mysterious Feystone Gleaming Feystone Worn Feystone Warped Feystone | 15% 34% 82% 77% | 0.43% 0.97% 2.34% 2.20% |
Dragon Jewel | B | 6 | Mysterious Feystone Gleaming Feystone Worn Feystone Warped Feystone | 15% 34% 82% 77% | 0.43% 0.97% 2.34% 2.20% |
Venom Jewel | B | 6 | Mysterious Feystone Gleaming Feystone Worn Feystone Warped Feystone | 15% 34% 82% 77% | 0.71% 1.62% 3.90% 3.67% |
Paralyzer Jewel | A | 7 | Mysterious Feystone Gleaming Feystone Worn Feystone Warped Feystone | – 1% 6% 18% | – 0.05% 0.30% 0.90% |
Sleep Jewel | A | 7 | Mysterious Feystone Gleaming Feystone Worn Feystone Warped Feystone | – 1% 6% 18% | – 0.08% 0.50% 1.50% |
Trueshot Jewel | A | 7 | Mysterious Feystone Gleaming Feystone Worn Feystone Warped Feystone | – 1% 6% 18% | – 0.02% 0.10% 0.30% |
Blast Jewel | A | 7 | Mysterious Feystone Gleaming Feystone Worn Feystone Warped Feystone | – 1% 6% 18% | – 0.05% 0.30% 0.90% |
Expert Jewel | B | 6 | Mysterious Feystone Gleaming Feystone Worn Feystone Warped Feystone | 15% 34% 82% 77% | 0.14% 0.32% 0.78% 0.73% |
Drain Jewel | B | 6 | Mysterious Feystone Gleaming Feystone Worn Feystone Warped Feystone | 15% 34% 82% 77% | 0.43% 0.97% 2.34% 2.20% |
Fortitude Jewel | C | 5 | Mysterious Feystone Gleaming Feystone Worn Feystone Warped Feystone | 85% 65% 10% – | 4.57% 3.49% 0.54% – |
Sonorous Jewel | B | 6 | Mysterious Feystone Gleaming Feystone Worn Feystone Warped Feystone | 15% 34% 82% 77% | 0.14% 0.32% 0.78% 0.73% |
Artillery Jewel | S | 8 | Mysterious Feystone Gleaming Feystone Worn Feystone Warped Feystone | – – 2% 5% | – – 0.27% 0.68% |
Heavy Artillery Jewel | C | 5 | Mysterious Feystone Gleaming Feystone Worn Feystone Warped Feystone | 85% 65% 10% – | 2.74% 2.10% 0.32% – |
Hungerless Jewel | C | 5 | Mysterious Feystone Gleaming Feystone Worn Feystone Warped Feystone | 85% 65% 10% – | 0.91% 0.70% 0.11% – |
Ironwall Jewel | A | 7 | Mysterious Feystone Gleaming Feystone Worn Feystone Warped Feystone | – 1% 6% 18% | – 0.02% 0.10% 0.30% |
Sheath Jewel | B | 6 | Mysterious Feystone Gleaming Feystone Worn Feystone Warped Feystone | 15% 34% 82% 77% | 0.14% 0.32% 0.78% 0.73% |
Friendship Jewel | B | 6 | Mysterious Feystone Gleaming Feystone Worn Feystone Warped Feystone | 15% 34% 82% 77% | 0.43% 0.97% 2.34% 2.20% |
Enduring Jewel | B | 6 | Mysterious Feystone Gleaming Feystone Worn Feystone Warped Feystone | 15% 34% 82% 77% | 0.71% 1.62% 3.90% 3.67% |
Satiated Jewel | C | 5 | Mysterious Feystone Gleaming Feystone Worn Feystone Warped Feystone | 85% 65% 10% – | 0.91% 0.70% 0.11% – |
Gobbler Jewel | B | 6 | Mysterious Feystone Gleaming Feystone Worn Feystone Warped Feystone | 15% 34% 82% 77% | 0.71% 1.62% 3.90% 3.67% |
Grinder Jewel | B | 6 | Mysterious Feystone Gleaming Feystone Worn Feystone Warped Feystone | 15% 34% 82% 77% | 0.43% 0.97% 2.34% 2.20% |
Bomber Jewel | B | 6 | Mysterious Feystone Gleaming Feystone Worn Feystone Warped Feystone | 15% 34% 82% 77% | 0.43% 0.97% 2.34% 2.20% |
Fungiform Jewel | S | 8 | Mysterious Feystone Gleaming Feystone Worn Feystone Warped Feystone | – – 2% 5% | – – 0.09% 0.23% |
Protection Jewel | C | 5 | Mysterious Feystone Gleaming Feystone Worn Feystone Warped Feystone | 85% 65% 10% – | 0.91% 0.70% 0.11% – |
Meowster Jewel | C | 5 | Mysterious Feystone Gleaming Feystone Worn Feystone Warped Feystone | 85% 65% 10% – | 4.57% 3.49% 0.54% – |
Botany Jewel | C | 5 | Mysterious Feystone Gleaming Feystone Worn Feystone Warped Feystone | 85% 65% 10% – | 2.74% 2.10% 0.32% – |
Geology Jewel | 1 | 5 | Mysterious Feystone Gleaming Feystone Worn Feystone Warped Feystone | 85% 65% 10% – | 2.74% 2.10% 0.32% – |
Stonethrower Jewel | B | 6 | Mysterious Feystone Gleaming Feystone Worn Feystone Warped Feystone | 15% 34% 82% 77% | 0.43% 0.97% 2.34% 2.20% |
Tip Toe Jewel | B | 5 | Mysterious Feystone Gleaming Feystone Worn Feystone Warped Feystone | 85% 65% 10% – | 2.74% 2.10% 0.32% – |
Smoke Jewel | C | 5 | Mysterious Feystone Gleaming Feystone Worn Feystone Warped Feystone | 85% 65% 10% – | 2.74% 2.10% 0.32% – |
Mirewalker Jewel | C | 5 | Mysterious Feystone Gleaming Feystone Worn Feystone Warped Feystone | 85% 65% 10% – | 0.91% 0.70% 0.11% – |
Specimen Jewel | C | 5 | Mysterious Feystone Gleaming Feystone Worn Feystone Warped Feystone | 85% 65% 10% – | 4.57% 3.49% 0.54% – |
Scent Jewel | C | 5 | Mysterious Feystone Gleaming Feystone Worn Feystone Warped Feystone | 85% 65% 10% – | 2.74% 2.10% 0.32% – |
Intimidator Jewel | C | 5 | Mysterious Feystone Gleaming Feystone Worn Feystone Warped Feystone | 85% 65% 10% – | 0.91% 0.70% 0.11% – |
Medicine Jewel | B | 6 | Mysterious Feystone Gleaming Feystone Worn Feystone Warped Feystone | 15% 34% 82% 77% | 0.43% 0.97% 2.34% 2.20% |
Crisis Jewel | B | 5 | Mysterious Feystone Gleaming Feystone Worn Feystone Warped Feystone | 85% 65% 10% – | 4.57% 3.49% 0.54% – |
Maintenance Jewel | C | 5 | Mysterious Feystone Gleaming Feystone Worn Feystone Warped Feystone | 85% 65% 10% – | 0.91% 0.70% 0.11% – |
Miasma Jewel | C | 5 | Mysterious Feystone Gleaming Feystone Worn Feystone Warped Feystone | 85% 65% 10% – | 2.74% 2.10% 0.32% – |
MHW Feystones Drop Rate Table — Tempered Quests
The most efficient method of getting MHW Decorations is, Feystone Appraisal. There are 4 types of Feystones,
- Mysterious Feystone [R5]
- Glowing Feystone [R6]
- Worn Feystone [R7]
- Warped Feystone [R8]
Feystones are dropped by Tempered Monsters of various Threat Levels. There are 3 Threat Levels,
- Threat Level #1
- Threat Level #2
- Threat Level #3 (includes Arch-tempered monsters)
Monster | Threat Level | Hunter Rank | Mysterious Feystone | Glowing Feystone | Worn Feystone | Warped Feystone | Warrior’s Streamstone | Hero’s Streamstone |
Anjanath | Threat 1 | 13 | 55% | 25% | 15% | 5% | – | – |
Barroth | Threat 1 | 13 | 55% | 25% | 15% | 5% | – | – |
Jyuratodus | Threat 1 | 13 | 55% | 25% | 15% | 5% | – | – |
Paolumu | Threat 1 | 13 | 55% | 25% | 15% | 5% | – | – |
Pukei Pukei | Threat 1 | 13 | 55% | 25% | 15% | 5% | – | – |
Radobaan | Threat 1 | 13 | 55% | 25% | 15% | 5% | – | – |
Rathian | Threat 1 | 13 | 55% | 25% | 15% | 5% | – | – |
Tobi Kadachi | Threat 1 | 13 | 55% | 25% | 15% | 5% | – | – |
Azure Rathalos | Threat 2 | 30 | – | 34% | 35% | 26% | 3% | 2% |
Bazelgeuse | Threat 2 | 30 | – | 34% | 35% | 26% | 3% | 2% |
Black Diablos | Threat 2 | 30 | – | 34% | 35% | 26% | 3% | 2% |
Diablos | Threat 2 | 30 | – | 34% | 35% | 26% | 3% | 2% |
Lavasioth | Threat 2 | 30 | – | 34% | 35% | 26% | 3% | 2% |
Legiana | Threat 2 | 30 | – | 34% | 35% | 26% | 3% | 2% |
Odogaron | Threat 2 | 30 | – | 34% | 35% | 26% | 3% | 2% |
Pink Rathian | Threat 2 | 30 | – | 34% | 35% | 26% | 3% | 2% |
Rathalos | Threat 2 | 30 | – | 34% | 35% | 26% | 3% | 2% |
Uragaan | Threat 2 | 30 | – | 34% | 35% | 26% | 3% | 2% |
Deviljho | Threat 3 | 50 | – | – | 70% | 13% | 12% | 5% |
Kirin | Threat 3 | 50 | – | – | 70% | 13% | 12% | 5% |
Nergigante | Threat 3 | 50 | – | – | 70% | 13% | 12% | 5% |
Kushala Daora | Threat 3 | 50 | – | – | 70% | 13% | 12% | 5% |
Teostra | Threat 3 | 50 | – | – | 70% | 13% | 12% | 5% |
Vaal Hazak | Threat 3 | 50 | – | – | 70% | 13% | 12% | 5% |
Lunastra | Threat 3 | 50 | – | – | 70% | 13% | 12% | 5% |
AT Kirin | Threat 3 | 50 | – | – | 70% | 13% | 12% | 5% |
AT Toestra | Threat 3 | 50 | – | – | 70% | 13% | 12% | 5% |
AT Kushala Daora | Threat 3 | 50 | – | – | 70% | 13% | 12% | 5% |
AT Vaal Hazak | Threat 3 | 50 | – | – | 70% | 13% | 12% | 5% |
AT Lunastra | Threat 3 | 50 | – | – | 70% | 13% | 12% | 5% |
AT Zorah Magdaros | Threat 3 | 50 | – | – | 70% | 13% | 12% | 5% |
AT Xeno’jiva | Threat 3 | 50 | – | – | 70% | 13% | 12% | 5% |
Greatest Jagras | Threat 3 | 50 | – | – | 70% | 13% | 12% | 5% |
AT Nergigante | Threat 3 | 50 | – | – | 70% | 13% | 12% | 5% |
How To Get Jewels You Want
Based on the details in the above tables, how do you get the jewels you want? Or at least try to get them realistically?
For example, let’s say I’m looking for a Handicraft Jewel which is a Rarity 8 decoration for Sharpness Boost.
Rarity 8 decorations can only be received by,
- Worn Feystones
- Warped Feystones
Out of those two, Warped Feystones have a chance of 0.23% over 0.09% of Worn Feystones. So I should be trying to get Warped Feystones which are dropped by Threat Level #2 and #3 monsters.
Threat Level #3 monsters hit like a truck and they are much faster, but has a greater chance of getting either of Worn or Warped Feystones I need.
However, I have received Handicraft and many other Rarity 8 jewels in Threat Level #2 monsters too.
In case you don’t know where your target monster lives, check out this MHW Map guide giving you location of the monsters.
At the end of the day, you can ONLY be pretty sure about the type of Feystones you get while the exact jewel you need is hard to be realistic about. So don’t cling to hope so badly, or you’ll be disappointed. Just play having fun with SOS and Decorations will come singing to you!
Have a look at my MHW Decorations data playing for so long below.
MHW Decorations Weight Table — Common. Hard. RARE
Decorations I Have | Decorations I Don’t Have | Quantity | Rarity | Weight of Jewel | Status |
Earplug Jewel | – | 21 | 6 | 2.86% | Common |
Poisoncoat Jewel | – | 42 | 6 | 4.76% | Common |
Paracoat Jewel | – | 3 | 7 | 5.00% | RARE |
Sleepcoat Jewel | – | 3 | 7 | 8.33% | RARE |
Blastcoat Jewel | – | 8 | 7 | 8.33% | Hard |
Brace Jewel | – | 49 | 6 | 4.76% | Common |
Forceshot Jewel | – | 1 | 7 | 1.67% | RARE |
Pierce Jewel | – | 2 | 8 | 4.55% | RARE |
Dragonseal Jewel | – | 5 | 7 | 5.00% | Hard |
Wind Resist Jewel | – | 25 | 6 | 2.86% | Common |
Footing Jewel | – | 45 | 6 | 4.76% | Common |
Critical Jewel | – | 4 | 8 | 22.73% | RARE |
Tenderizer Jewel | – | 7 | 6 | 0.95% | Hard |
Charger Jewel | – | 1 | 8 | 4.55% | RARE |
Destroyer Jewel | – | 12 | 6 | 0.95% | Common |
KO Jewel | – | 31 | 6 | 2.86% | Common |
Flight Jewel | – | 71 | 5 | 5.38% | Common |
Throttle Jewel | – | 7 | 7 | 8.33% | Hard |
Flawless Jewel | – | 10 | 7 | 8.33% | Common |
Potential Jewel | – | 8 | 7 | 8.33% | Hard |
Furor Jewel | – | 1 | 7 | 1.67% | RARE |
Physique Jewel | – | 5 | 6 | 0.95% | Hard |
Refresh Jewel | – | 1 | 7 | 1.67% | RARE |
Evasion Jewel | – | 5 | 6 | 0.95% | Hard |
Jumping Jewel | – | 7 | 5 | 0.95% | Hard |
Mighty Jewel | – | 3 | 8 | 5.00% | RARE |
Slider Jewel | – | 33 | 6 | 2.86% | Common |
Enhancer Jewel | – | 5 | 7 | 5.00% | Hard |
Mighty Bow Jewel | – | 5 | 8 | 13.64% | Hard |
Sharp Jewel | – | 5 | 7 | 5.00% | Hard |
Elementless Jewel | – | 28 | 6 | 2.86% | Common |
Antidote Jewel | – | 68 | 5 | 5.38% | Common |
Antipara Jewel | – | 57 | 5 | 5.38% | Common |
Pep Jewel | – | 47 | 5 | 5.38% | Common |
Steadfast Jewel | – | 39 | 6 | 4.76% | Common |
Antiblast Jewel | – | 43 | 5 | 3.23% | Common |
Suture Jewel | – | 32 | 5 | 3.23% | Common |
Def Lock Jewel | – | 58 | 5 | 5.38% | Common |
Attack Jewel | – | 4 | 7 | 1.67% | RARE |
Defense Jewel | – | 28 | 6 | 2.86% | Common |
Vitality Jewel | – | 39 | 6 | 4.76% | Common |
Recovery Jewel | – | 4 | 6 | 0.95% | RARE |
Fire Res Jewel | – | 32 | 5 | 3.23% | Common |
Water Res Jewel | – | 44 | 5 | 3.23% | Common |
Ice Res Jewel | – | 48 | 5 | 3.23% | Common |
Thunder Res Jewel | – | 42 | 5 | 3.23% | Common |
Dragon Res Jewel | – | 53 | 5 | 3.23% | Common |
Resisitor Jewel | – | 39 | 6 | 4.76% | Common |
Blaze Jewel | – | 25 | 6 | 2.86% | Common |
Stream Jewel | – | 25 | 6 | 2.86% | Common |
Frost Jewel | – | 29 | 6 | 2.86% | Common |
Bolt Jewel | – | 28 | 6 | 2.86% | Common |
Dragon Jewel | – | 27 | 6 | 2.86% | Common |
Venom Jewel | – | 38 | 6 | 4.76% | Common |
Paralyzer Jewel | – | 2 | 7 | 5.00% | RARE |
Sleep Jewel | – | 2 | 7 | 8.33% | RARE |
Blast Jewel | – | 3 | 7 | 5.00% | RARE |
Expert Jewel | – | 8 | 6 | 0.95% | Hard |
Drain Jewel | – | 29 | 6 | 2.86% | Common |
Fortitude Jewel | – | 73 | 5 | 5.38% | Common |
Sonorous Jewel | – | 6 | 6 | 0.95% | Hard |
Trueshot Jewel | – | 1 | 7 | 1.67% | RARE |
Artillery Jewel | – | 3 | 8 | 13.64% | RARE |
Heavy Artillery Jewel | – | 50 | 5 | 3.23% | Common |
Hungerless Jewel | – | 14 | 5 | 1.08% | Common |
Ironwall Jewel | – | 4 | 7 | 1.67% | RARE |
Sheath Jewel | – | 8 | 6 | 0.95% | Hard |
Friendship Jewel | – | 29 | 6 | 2.86% | Common |
Enduring Jewel | – | 35 | 6 | 4.76% | Common |
Satiated Jewel | – | 15 | 5 | 1.08% | Common |
Gobbler Jewel | – | 36 | 6 | 4.76% | Common |
Grinder Jewel | – | 17 | 6 | 2.86% | Common |
Bomber Jewel | – | 23 | 6 | 2.86% | Common |
Fungiform Jewel | – | 5 | 8 | 4.55% | Hard |
Protection Jewel | – | 13 | 5 | 1.08% | Common |
Meowster Jewel | – | 81 | 5 | 5.38% | Common |
Botany Jewel | – | 55 | 5 | 3.23% | Common |
Geology Jewel | – | 43 | 5 | 3.23% | Common |
Stonethrower Jewel | – | 16 | 6 | 2.86% | Common |
Tip Toe Jewel | – | 40 | 5 | 3.23% | Common |
Smoke Jewel | – | 47 | 5 | 3.23% | Common |
Mirewalker Jewel | – | 13 | 5 | 1.08% | Common |
Specimen Jewel | – | 75 | 5 | 5.38% | Common |
Scent Jewel | – | 35 | 5 | 3.23% | Common |
Intimidator Jewel | – | 25 | 5 | 1.08% | Common |
Medicine Jewel | – | 33 | 6 | 2.86% | Common |
Crisis Jewel | – | 65 | 5 | 5.38% | Common |
Maintenance Jewel | – | 16 | 5 | 1.08% | Common |
Miasma Jewel | – | 46 | 5 | 3.23% | Common |
Handicraft Jewel | – | 1 | 8 | 4.55% | RARE |
Sprinter Jewel | – | 3 | 8 | 4.55% | RARE |
Mind’s Eye Jewel | – | 1 | 8 | 4.55% | RARE |
Draw Jewel | – | 1 | 8 | 4.55% | RARE |
– | Release Jewel | 0 | 8 | 4.55% | RARE |
Challenger Jewel | – | 2 | 7 | 1.67% | RARE |
Magazine Jewel | – | 1 | 7 | 1.67% | RARE |
– | Shield Jewel | 0 | 7 | 1.67% | RARE |
Time For Some FAQs
1. What does Mind’s Eye do in MHW?
Mind’s Eye is a RARE MHW Decoration which can be used on Close-range weapons such as Greatsword as well as Long-range weapons such as Heavy Bowgun. For GS, Mind’s Eye stop your weapon from deflecting when the Sharpnes is low or when you attack a Harden part of a monster, for example in Nergigante’s black spikes.
For Bows and Bowguns, Mind’s Eye increases the range you can do damage with Spread Ammo/Arrows, increases the range you can do damage with Normal Ammo/Arrows, decreases the range of Pierce Ammo/Arrow you can deal good damage etc.
2. Are MHW decorations permanent?
Decorations are permanent once you receive each decoration or jewel. They can be applied for your Armor parts, Weapon and take out as you wish. You can even create multiple Loadouts using the exact same decoration.
3. Are decorations random in MHW?
No, they are not completely random, but received according to the percentages defined for Feystones, Rarity and per Jewel Weight etc. See the tables above.
4. What are MHW best decorations for Dual Blades?
I started Dual Blades as one of the choices since the begining. I always use Slider Jewel, Sprinter Jewels, Refresh Jewels with my usual Jewels used for any weapon. Since powered-up Dual Blades drain your stamina quickly, you really need ways to slow down Stamina consumption + Dash Juice.
5. What are the best Level 1 decorations in MHW?
Level 1 Decorations are simply the ones that fit on Level #1 slots. Here are the 10 best level 1 decorations,
- Attack Jewel
- Expert Jewel — More Attack with High Affinity is amazing!
- Friendship Jewel — A Must, if you do SOS a lot
- Artillery Jewel — Only for Bow & Bowgun lovers
- Trueshot Jewel — Remember what I said above
- Bomber Jewel — For Mega Bomb idiots
- Sheath Jewel — It’s too Slow to, Fasto! FASTO!!
- Ironwall Jewel — I Block Thanos!
- Medicine Jewel — No more Mega Potions
- Fortitude Jewel — For those who love to sacrifice
Botany and Geology Jewel are also good ones, if you’re going on Gathering expeditions.
6. How to change MHW decorations at camp?
You can’t set any decorations once you are in the Camp. But if you save your Equipment as Loadouts, then you can change decorations for the ones you’ve used when creating each loadout. Press Esc in the Equipments to save/change your loadouts.
7. What are MHW decoration numbers?
First I mistakenly beleived numbers in front of each decoration as to the Max Power Level, but it’s wrong. These numbers in ffront of a decortion means the Slot Level that decoration can be equipped on.
8. Which decorations are good for Bowgun?
I’m a Greatsword main with 2,173 hunts with GS alone, but now I play Bowgun too. I use following decorations just for my Bowguns,
- Artillery Jewel
- Trueshot Jewel
- Pierce Jewel
- Spread Jewel
- Forceshot Jewel
- Jumping Jewel
- Earplug Jewel
I’d also use Shield Jewel once I get my hands on it some day!
Aw! Aren’t we friends now? I mean you’ve reached the bottom of my MHW Decorations guide. Hope you found what you searched about MHW Decorations. If not, post your question below.
Before you go out in the wild, I just want to ask you to do something precious for you.
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