There comes a time when you’ve tried to do it with what little you know, but it’s not enough. So let me introduce you to the great list of Monster Hunter World tips and tricks to help you out with your hunts, gearing up, gathering, defeating monsters and so much more.
There is a lot you can learn about Monster Hunter World at GamesTunnel as I write many guides on this pretty crazy game.
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MHW General Tips
MHW Hunting Tips
MHW Kulve Taroth Tips
MHW Behemoth Tips
MHW Useful Functions
How Canteen Tips
The Smithy
Ecological Research
The Resource Center
Botanical Research
MHW Tailraider Safaris
MHW Melding
MHW Argosy Tips
MHW Weapon Info
MHW Greatsword Tips
MHW Longsword Tips
MHW Sword & Shield Tips
MHW Dual Blades Tips
MHW Hammer Tips
MHW Hunting Horn Tips
MHW Lance Tips
MHW Gunlance Tips
MHW Switch Axe Tips
MHW Charge Blade Tips
MHW Insect Glaive Tips
MHW Heavy Bowgun Tips
MHW Light Bowgun Tips
MHW Bow Tips
MHW Equipment Tips
MHW Skills & Decorations Tips
MHW Slinger Tips
Use The Environment
MHW Palico Tips
MHW Endemic Life Tips
About The Commission
Astera News
The Argosy is in Port
The Argosy is currently in Port in Astera. You can obtain numerous items and materials from the Argosy captain that you can’t get anywhere else, and his stock changes every time he calls into Port.
Monster Hunter World General Tips
Building New Camps
If you discover an area that can be made into a Camp, you can visit the Resource Center to set it up. Check out our MHW Camp locations guide here.
Restoring Health
You can restore health by using potions. If you have some Honey, you can combine it with a Potion to make a Mega Potion, which restores even more health.
Dashing, evading, and performing certain action will deplete your stamina. Your maximum Stamina will also decrease over time, but it can be maintained by eating Well-done Steaks or Rations.
Crouching & Camouflage
Press the dodge button while standing still to crouch. Crouching in brush grants you camouflage so you can hide from monsters.
Close-range weapons such as Greatsword gradually lose sharpness with each attack. As a weapon’s sharpness falls, its attacks are more likely to be deflected, but you can restore its sharpness with Whetstones as well as Whetfish Fins.
Health Drinks
To increase your maximum health, drink Nutrients or Max Potions which can be obtained by crafting.
Max Potions
These powerful Potions not only completely restore your health, but also restore your Max Health to its limit 150. Max Potions can be crafted by combining Mandragora with Mega Nutrients.
Scoutflies respond automatically to Monster Traces and many other substances in the environment. If you feel lost in a new locale, follow your scoutflies to discover points of interest as you grow accustomed to your surroundings.
Tracking With Scoutflies
Once you’ve examined a certain amount of a monster’s tracks, your scoutflies will begin to detect more of them. Continue discovering more of them and your scoutflies will be able to guide you to the monster’s location.
Though some tribes of Gajalaka (ones with the Green Marker) are friendly towards hunters, most are aggressive, so be careful.
Hunting Tips
Preparing for a Hunt
Prepare yourself for quests by carefully considering the best armor, skills Palico Gadgets, and weapon elemental for the job at hand. Not required for most hunts, but comes handy when it’s an Arch-tempered monster or you want to finish the fight quickly. Remember that you can also change your loadout at camp.
Monster Parts
There are soft parts of monsters that are weak to attacks, just as there are tougher, more resistant parts. Identifying a monster’s weak parts is the key to becoming a successful hunter.
There are five elements,
- Fire
- Thunder
- Water
- Ice
- Dragon
Take advantage of a monster’s Elemental Weaknesses to deal extra damage to it.
Monster Hunter World Mounting Monsters
You can mount monsters by striking them with attack is Mid-Air. Once mounted, if you avoid getting thrown off the monster while you continue to damage it, you can knock it down. You can move to another part when the screen becomes red to avoid thrown off instead of grabbing to quickly knock it down.
Mounting Controls
Once you’ve mounted a monster, press Ctrl key when the monster trashes about to hold on, Or LS to avoid certain attacks. Be careful: You’ll automatically fall off if your stamina runs out.
Know Your Environment
There are myriad Endemic Creatures (Flashbugs, Wedge beetles etc.) and points of interest (Vine Traps, Ledges etc.) in the environment that will help you on hunts. You can see where and what they are by checking the map.
Monster Clashes
When large monsters encounter each other, they may end up attacking one another. Take advantage of these situations to turn the hunt to your favor. While this is cool, Turf Wars in AT monsters are there to scare you so badly 😉
Breaking Monster Parts
Focusing your attacks on specific body parts may break them, weakening the monster and sometimes limiting its mobility or attacks. However, when the monster is on Rage Mode, these breakings often mean nothing. There are also materials that can only be gained by breaking certain parts such as Tail.
Using the Environment
Observe your surroundings carefully. The environment is filled with ledges to jump off, walls to climb and slopes to slide down.
Wedge Beetles
Wedge Beetles can be found in many different places. Fix your aiming reticle 0n (Basically press V) one and Right-click in mouse to hook on to it and swing across like Spiderman.
Carving Materials
Slaying a monster allows you to carve materials from its carcass. You can use these materials at the Smithy to forge or upgrade Weapons and Armor.
Gathering Points
You can get materials by carving monster carcasses, and also by collecting them from Gathering Points such as Mining Outcrops and Bonepiles.
Upgrading Weapons
You can improve your weapons by upgrading them at Smithy using the materials you collect on hunts.
The Training Area
You can test any of the 14 different weapon types in the Training Area. To travel to Training Area, speak with the housekeeper in your room.
Armor Skills
Armor is imbued with skills that carry positive effects and boost your attributes. Choose Armor with skills that best complement your choice of weapon or play style.
Investigations have different completion conditions than average quests, but they also offer better Rewards.
Armor Spheres
You can upgrade your Armor using Armor Spheres. Armor Spheres can be obtained as quest rewards or by completing Bounties at the Resource Center.
The Botanical Research Center
The Botanical Research Center allows you to cultivate various items. Additionally, you can increase the amount of items cultivated by applying fertilizer.
Tempered Monsters
You may find traces of especially fierce monsters — called Tempered Monsters — while on High Rank expeditions. If you collect enough of these traces, you may receive new Investigation quests.
Traps and Elder Dragons
Traps, like Pitfall Traps and Shock Traps, have no effect on Elder Dragons. These beasts cannot be captured.
Automatic Material Storage
Materials you gather on quests or expeditions are automatically sent from your Item Pouch to your Item Box upon your return.
The Intrepid Field Researchers
There are Researchers within the Commission that brave the various locales to study a variety of subjects besides monsters. Find them out in the field and speak with them to learn useful tips.
Info-gathering in Astera
Astera is replete with knowledgeable members of the Commission, from Hunters and Handlers to Researchers and Engineers. Speak with as many as people possible to learn valuable information for your adventure.
Camera Types
You can choose between Camera Types in the options. FOCUS: Always fixed to the target. TARGET: Fixes to the target when you press the button. From my experience this seems to be sucks.
Camera Settings
You can change various Camera Settings in the Start Menu.
Up to 4 Players can participate in quests. If you’re having trouble hunting alone, take some friends along with you!
SOS Flares
During a quest, you can access the menu to send an SOS Flare when you’re playing online. This will put out a call to other hunters to help you with your quest. This is useful if you find yourself lacking the numbers to accomplish a difficult quest.
Hunter Rank
Completing quests will increase your Hunter Rank. As your Hunter Rank increases, you’ll be able to take on more difficult quests. Other than that, there is no any other benefit to having 999 HR or any HR after 50.
Fast Travel
You can Fast Travel to camp by selecting it from the Wildlife Map (Press M), but be careful: You cannot Fast Travel while in combat or when a monster has been alerted to your presence. You can hide in a brush and then do this once the Mini Map turns to White from Red.
Damage Reduction
It’s not all about your Armor or Defense stat — the weapon type you equip will change the amount of damage you take.
- Close-range Weapons → Reduce physical damage
- Long-range Weapons → Reduce elemental damage
The Field Researchers
You can keep track of where the Field Researchers are by checking “Field Researchers” on the World Map.
Piscine Researcher
A lone wolf of an angler who is an expert in his field, and in search of a new challenge, has come to the New World to head the Piscine Research for the field guide. He’ll gladly share his Fishing Knowledge with you, if you talk to him out in the field.
Endemic Life Researcher
A passionate researcher working on Endemic Animals and Insects for the field guide. No one has a deeper knowledge of techniques for capturing endemic creatures in the New World.
Lynian Researcher
A wizened expert in the field of Lynian Research. Though devoted to research into the Grimalkynes, he is outdone by the swift, sly targets of his studies. Now he is seeking a helpful Hunter to aid him in his research.
Elemental Resistances
Increasing your resistances to elements reduces the effects of their blights and abnormal statuses, and may even negate them entirely.
Traces and Tracks
Very rarely, you might obtain an item after investigating monster tracks. I have had these rare chances and even got Wyvern Gems too.
Investigation Efficacy
The higher your research level, the easier it will be to unlock investigations.
Monster Hunter World Kulve Taroth Tips
Objective of the Kulve Taroth Siege
The objective of the siege is to severe the Kulve Taroth’s horns. But first you must break the Gold plating covering them. The siege is considered a success once one person in the Celestial Pursuit manages to completely severe Kulve Taroth’s horns.
Kulve Taroth Weakness
Attacking Kulve Taroth with Fire Element weapons is the best strategy to weaken its metallic plating. Effective elements change during the course of the siege, so be sure to experiment.
Once Kulve Taroth is cornered, Thunder Element weapons are good. At the final fight after losing its big golden tail, Ice Element weapons are the best.
The Golden Tribe
A strange Golden Tribe — like Gajalaka, but with gold — lives within the Caverns of El Dorado, and may carry some useful items. If you attack their golden crystalline armor, they may run away from you.
Kulve Taroth’s Fury
If you can destroy the Golden Parts of Kulve Taroth a certain number of times before reaching Area 4, you’ll incite Kulve Taroth’s fury. The key is to destroy as many parts as possible in one pass before she retreats. Mega Bombs, Sleeping and Knockouts can help with this.
Inciting Kulve Taroth’s Fury
Destroying Kulve Taroth’s Gold Plating is the most important factor to inciting her fury. Raise your pursuit level by collecting tracks, using the Partbreaker Skill and mounting the monster. It’s important to try to break as many parts as possible in the opening area.
Kulve Taroth Siege Strategies
You can check details on Kulve Taroth by selecting Special Assignments from the Start Menu.
Kulve Taroth Siege Pursuit Level
You can help increase the Pursuit Level regardless of the Research Level simply by collecting tracks left by Kulve Taroth. Increasing the Pursuit Level is vital to cornering this monster.
All hunters in the Celestial Pursuit will receive the same benefits when the Pursuit or Reward levels are increased. Team Up with other hunters to track down Kulve Taroth.
Arch-tempered Kulve Taroth Siege
A golden white Kulve Taroth has been spotted in the Caverns of El Dorado! It is believed that its new form is related to the destruction of the monster’s previous gold plating. Proceed with caution as this Kulve Taroth is exhibiting wild behaviors like that of an Arch-tempered monster!
Arch-tempered Kulve Taroth’s Gold can produce never before seen weapons. If you incite here fury before repelling her, you stand a chance of getting incredible rewards.
Monster Hunter World Behemoth Tips
Getting the Behemoth’s Attention
A hunter with a weapon designed for blocking should attack the Behemoth’s head to get its attention. Actually you don’t need that as you can simply go circles without getting hit by also using Superman Dive jump. I’m doing this all the time when I use Dual Blades, and yep I also have Earplugs Level 5.
When the Behemoth goes on a rampage and his head is hard to attack, use a weapon with Paralysis properties or mount the beast to create an opening. Or you can use Sticky Ammo, Slicing Ammo for the head just before doing a sweet Sniper shot through the head. This can get you a knockout as well as the attention. You can also use Dragon Pods too for getting attention.
Dropping the Behemoth’s Health
When another hunter has the Behemoth’s attention, that’s the cue for the rest of the team to go full on the offensive. Use weapons with Water Element or Ammo for best results. Actually I have never used Water Element weapons. I’m using Blast and Dragon weapons or Elementless for Behemoth mostly.
Items and Weapons
Even for an experienced hunter, slaying a Behemoth is no easy task. Head back to camp for stock up on items or even to change your weapon if you need to change strategies. Sometimes I start with Heavy Bow Gun with Sniper Ammo and then switch to Blast Dual Blades.
Breaking Parts
Breaking parts off a Behemoth can turn the battle to your favor. You may be able to change its course, or his attacks may become weaker once certain parts are broken. Severing the Behemoth Tail is very important as his rotating attack sucks.
Utilizing Skills
One slip-up against a Behemoth can spell disaster for you and your team. Use armor skills such as Health Boost, or food skills like Felyne Moxie or Felyne Insurance. Spending Armor Skills or slots to get Health Boost is not recommended since you can get Max Health with food or using Max Potions. Then the 2 Food Skills are totally recommended while you can only be certain about Felyne Moxie as the Felyne Insurance is a Daily Skill that keeps rotating.
Supporting Teammates
The Behemoth’s attacks are so damaging that you absolutely need to help out your teammates. This is a bit funny because AT Nergigante’s attacks are on another level compared to Behemoth. Anyway, use Lifepowder, Demon Powder and the Wide-Range skill to keep your team topped off.
I’m using Wide-Range skill Level #1 as my usual decoration in the Armor, and I only use freely given Health Potions on the Quest Item Box unless it’s a surefire winning match against a hard monster.
Utilizing Comet
Ecliptic Meteor impact zone is HUGE!! Making escape from it is almost impossible. You are guaranteed to faint if you’re caught in the impact, so use the Comet Meteorites that fall before the Ecliptic Meteor as a shield. Farcaster or Fast Travel is not available. You can’t even use Whetstone.
If you’re step or 2 away from the Comet, you may survive the Ecliptic Meteor with a Superman Dive Jump to the back of the Comet — Not front. I have done this once and everyone thought I’ll die. It was a surprise for even me …
And if somebody placed the comet in the middle of the big meteor, then as it lands try to see the Shadow of the comet and that’s the side you should be.
Behemoth’s Charybdis summons a tornado where a targeted hunter is standing, and stays in the area for a period of time. If you’re being targeted, move to an area where it won’t be an obstacle to your hunt.
You can also stop Charybdis using Flash Pods. And if you get stuck or thrown inside a tornado, don’t wait as you’ll get hit again if you do nothing. Prepare to press space to perform multiple Superman Dive Jumps which will save you from losing any health. Timing is important for this special crazy jump 😉
Useful Functions
Voice Chat
Hold 1 and 2 and press Esc at the same time to see a list of the members in your Voice Chat.
Auto Crafting
Auto-crafting will automatically craft an item from your crafting list as soon as you have the items required to craft it. Press SPACE to select the items you’d like to enable auto-crafting for.
Accepting Guild Cards
You can receive Guild Cards you’ve received by selecting Guild Card from the Start Menu. Note that you can only hold up to 20 unaccepted Guild Cards and up to 100 accepted Guild Cards.
Challenge Quest Records
Your comp0letion time for a Challenge Quest is recorded along with the date and time, displayed in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).
Guild Card Restrictions
You cannot check or edit your Guild Card during a quest or expedition, but you can still send it to others. Same applies for viewing received Guild Cards during the quest.
Hold down INSERT to use the Chat feature.
Monster Hunter World Canteen Tips
Eating Meals at the Canteen
The Canteen is a facility where you can eat meals that boost your Health, Stamina and other stats — Attack Boost, Defense Boost & Elemental Resistance Boost. Meals also grant you the benefits of Food Skills.
Meal Effect Duration
Meal effects will wear off if you faint during a quest or expedition. They will also wears off once you complete, fail or withdraw from a quest or expeditions. After eating a meal you’ll be unable to eat for a short period of time.
Oven Roasting
You can request the Handler to oven roast various items for you at the Canteen. It takes sometimes for the items to finish roasting, but once they’re done you can claim them from the Canteen or directly from the Handler.
Meal Vouchers
Vouchers let you eat a Meal for Free. Though each Voucher can only be used once, it also gives certain menu bonuses to the quest members in your hub. Actually for everyone in the session gets the Free Meal with 3-Star Food Skills availability.
The Smithy
Once a weapon has been augmented, you can no longer undo its upgrades.
Ecological Research
Ecological Research
After gaining certain amounts of Research Points, you can visit the Ecological Research Center to increase Research Level. You can obtain valuable information about monsters, which is added to your field guide — Hunter’s Notes.
Monster Research
By collecting monster traces and increasing your Research Level, you’ll learn more detailed ecological information about monsters, such as their weaknesses. Your scoutflies will also be able to better detect monsters that you have researched thoroughly.
The Resource Center
Bounty Updates
The list of registrable bounties is updated whenever you return from a quest or expedition. Once you have registered bounties, you can review their details from the Start Menu.
Bounty Rewards
Once you’ve completed a bounty, you can visit the Resource Center to collect the rewards, which are often Armor Spheres and Research Points. You can also gain Wyverian Prints which are useful at Elder Melder.
Limited Bounties
A limited bounty is a special bounty periodically made available for download worldwide, but only for a limited period of time. Be sure to complete limited bounties while they are still available, as each one is replaced by the one following it.
Botanical Research
Cultivating Items
At the Botanical Research Center, you can handover items such as plants, fungi, bugs, honey, and so on to cultivate more of the same kind of item. Each item takes a specified amount of time to cultivated before it can be harvested.
You can spend Research Points to use Fertilizers at the Botanical Research Center. Fertilizers increase the amount of items obtained from each harvest or can be used to shorten the cultivation time.
MHW Tailraider Safaris
Deploying Tailraider Safaris
You can deploy Tailraiders and other players’ Palicoes on expeditionary safaris, where they will collect items & materials and unlock investigations for you. Safaris cost Research Points to deploy.
Tailraider Safari Members
The members of each Tailraider Safari can be chosen from the Palicoes of hunters you have exchanged Guild Cards with. The higher the Palicoes’ levels, the better the rewards you can expect upon their return.
Deployment Routes
When selecting a route for your Tailraider Safari, you may see some routes marked with additional symbols. These routes offer a higher chance of better rewards.
Collecting Safari Rewards
Tailraider Safaris take time to complete, so you’ll have take on quests or expeditions while they are underway. You can also collect rewards while a Safari is still ongoing, or cancel an ongoing Safari.
MHW Melding
Melding Items
Melding allows you create high-tier consumables, Bowgun ammo, and more by converting less valuable items into melding points. Compared to crafting, melding gives you more choice when it comes to picking which items to convert.
MHW Argosy Tips
Trading with the Argosy
The Argosy is a trading ship that sporadically calls into port in Astera and offers special items sets for sale. The item sets change every time the Argosy visits, and they may contain rare items available nowhere else.
The Argosy Sets Sail
The Argosy only remains in port for a limited time. After 3 quests Argosy goes and after another 3 quests Argosy comes back with new item sets.
Monster Hunter World Weapon Info
The Greatsword has a long reach and powerful attacks. Because its sheer weight limits the speed of your movement and attacks, it lends itself well to Hit-and-Run combat tactics
The Longsword enables fast, fluid movement and combos, but it cannot be used for guard.
Sword & Shield
Lightweight and easy to use, the Sword & Shield also boasts outstanding attack speed. The shield can be used to guard, though it may not hold up to certain attacks.
Dual Blades
Use Dual Blades to unleash a whirlwind of combo attacks on your enemy. Though they’re lightweight and relatively simple to use, they cannot be used to guard.
The Hammer is a powerful blunt weapon with a surprising amount of mobility. It’s also possible to stun monsters by delivering a Hammer attack to the head.
Hunting Horn
The Hunting Horn is a blunt weapon that can bestow positive status effects on yourself and your allies. Use it to perform melodies that can boost Attack power, Restore health, and grant other beneficial effects.
The Lance is better at guarding than any other weapon. In addition to its long reach, its thrust attacks can be executed with little exposure to enemy attacks. Great for Defense-oriented combat.
The Gunlance offers more offensive power than the Lance thanks to the adding of Shelling Attacks, and it also has good Guarding capabilities. It may take time to master.
Switch Axe
The Switch Axe morphs between Axe and Sword modes. Axe mode boasts power and long reach, while Sword mode features fast attacks and explosive finishers.
Charge Blade
Sword mode boasts mobility and high guard capabilities, while Axe mode boasts more powerful attacks. Store up energy while in Sword mode, and then use to deal high damage in Axe mode.
Insect Glaive
The Insect Glaive can be used to control a Kinsect, a small insect that harvests extracts from monsters to boost your abilities. The Insect Glaive also allows you to vault, so you can perform jumping attacks anytime.
The Bowgun can be used to attack monsters from long-range. There are 2 types of Bowgun: the Heavy Bowgun, which can use powerful ammo, and the Light Bowgun, which allows for greater mobility and evasive capabilities , and faster shooting.
The Bow is a mid-range weapon that can perform a variety of attacks. Its charged shots can deal significant damage when aimed at a monster’s weak points.
Monster Hunter World Greatsword Tips
Charged Slash
Release the button at just the right time to unleash the full potential of the Charged Slash. Learn the proper timing by carefully watching your hunter’s movement and paying attention to the controller’s vibration, if you use a controller.
A resilient attack that prevents any Knockbacks. Time it according to the monster’s attacks, and you can continue your combos uninterrupted. You can also use Greatsword Tackle to stop animations for monster screams and tremors.
Leaping Wide Slash
Because this attack deals more Elemental and Status-inflicting damage than others, it’s most useful when paired with strong Elemental Greatswords. It can also be used to change your position sometimes.
Monster Hunter World Longsword Tips
Spirit Roundslash
Landing a Spirit Roundslash on a monster will increase your Spirit Gauge by one level, increasing your Attack Power. Your Attack can be boosted up to 3 levels.
Spirit Thrust
A high-powered attack that consumes one level of the Spirit Gauge to execute. It deals most damage when the Spirit Gauge is red.
Foresight Slash
Foresight Slash allows you to dodge an enemy attack and deliver and immediate counterattack. It can also be chained into a Spirit Blade. This is the super move that lets you avoid any and all monster attacks with no health loss.
Monster Hunter World Sword & Shield Tips
Actions with Weapon Drawn
If you use the Sword & Shield, you can still use items or your Slinger while your weapon is drawn.
Use item: Hold Ctrl or V and press E.
Use slinger: Hold V and press Ctrl.
Advancing Slash
The Advancing Slash can be chained into various different actions depending on the type of terrain (ledges, slopes etc.) you perform it on.
Elemental Swords
The Sword & Shield’s fast attack speed can make up for its relatively low Attack Power, especially if you combine it with a Sword that has Elemental Attacks that target your enemy’s weakness.
Monster Hunter World Dual Blade Tips
Demon Dodge
You can perform a MidAir Spinning Blade Dance after jumping off a ledge with a Demon Dodge.
Archdemon Mode
You can enter Archdemon Mode by landing attacks while in Demom Mode and maxing out the Demon Gauge. There are some special attacks that only available in this mode. For example, you can do a rotating a blade dance moving forward even while your weapon is not drawn out.
Heavenly Blade Dance
Heavenly Blade Dance is an impressive flurry of slashes that carves a path down the full length of a monster. This one is my favorite every time there is a slope, ledge or a wall. You can cutoff Behemoth’s tail after 3-4 runs with this attack.
Monster Hunter World Hammer Tips
Power Charge
You can perform a Power Charge to boost your Attack power and some charged attacks. The effect persists until you put away your hammer or take damage.
Stunning Monsters
Stuns can be achieved more easily by hitting monsters’ heads with Charged Upswings or Charged Brutal Upswings.
Charged Slide
Release Ctrl during a Charged Slideto perform Aerial Spins, or chain the Charged Slide into other moves by pressing attack buttons.
Monster Hunter World Hunting Horn Tips
Advanced Performance Techniques
You can perform your stocked melodies in order by pressing Ctrl. You can also press Ctrl + another Attack button at the same time to start your performance from the second or third stocked melody.
Using Performances to Attack
The initial shockwave created by the Hunting Horn Performance has high Attack and Stunning power, making the move completely viable as an attack in its own right. You can also chain a normal attack into a Performance, and then cancel the Performance with a dodge roll.
Performance Effect Radius
You can tell if a party member is within range of your Performance effects by looking at the icon next to their name.
Monster Hunter World Lance Tips
Power Guard
Power Guard greatly diminishes pushback during a guard reaction. It also enables you to perform a quicker counterattack which you can chain further into an attack in any direction.
Dash Stepping & Guard Dashing
By combining Dash Steps with Guard Dashing, you should be able to stick close enough to a monster to maintain your offensive.
Dash Attacks
During a Dash Attack, you can also perform other actions like sidesteps, 180-degree turns, jumps and guards.
Monster Hunter World Gunlance Tips
Shelling is unique in that it can deal fixed damage to a monster’s parts regardless of their resistances. However, it also consumes a large part of the Sharpness Gauge, so can’t be used when the Sharpness is in Red.
Reloading Wyrmstake Shot
Wyrmstake Shot cannot be reloaded with a Quick Reload. It must be reloaded normally.
Types of Shelling Attacks
Gunlances possess one of three different types of shelling attack. The attacks differ in Power, Ammo capacity and range. be careful in choosing your Gunlance, as each type requires a slightly different play style.
Monster Hunter World Switch Axe Tips
Switch Gauge
Attacking in Sword Mode consumes the Switch Gauge. Switching from Sword Mode to Axe Mode refills a small amount of the gauge. The gauge will also refill automatically over time.
Sword Mode Attacks
Attacks in Sword Mode utilize the effects of the Switch Axe’s phial, making them much harder to deflect. This makes the Sword Mode useful for targeting tough body parts.
Amped State
Land enough attacks on a monster while in Sword Mode to enter an Amped State, which increases your Attack Power. The number of hits it take to enter Amped State depends on the type of Switch Axe phial.
Monster Hunter World Charge Blade Tips
Sword: Condensed Element Slash
By chaining a Charge into a Condensed Element Slash while Element Boost is active, your attacks in Sword Mode will also temporarily benefit from phial effects.
Guard Reaction Combos
When blocking an attack, the guard reaction reaction can be changed into a Sword: Morph Slash, an Axe: Amped Element Discharge, or various other attacks.
Phial Effects
Attacks with a charge blade are harder to deflect when its phial effects are active, which is useful when targeting tough body parts.
Monster Hunter World Insect Glaive Tips
Weapon & Kinsect Combinations
You can equip your Insect Glaive with different types of Kinsects. Consider each Kinsect type alongside the Glaive type boosts to find effective combinations.
Kinsect Stamina
Your Kinsect will recover a small amount of stamina if you recall it before its stamina completely runs out.
Midair Evasion & Attacks
One Midair Evade and one Midair Attack can be used each time you’re in midair. Jumping off again from a monster before you land allows you to perform each action once more.
Monster Hunter World Heavy Bowgun Tips
Customizing your Bowgun
Bowguns can use Custom Mods to enable automatic blocking, shorten reload time, and so on. You can even equip the same Mod multiple times to improve its effects.
Critical Range
Ranged weapon attacks have a Critical Range, which is the distance at which that the attack deals the most damage. It’s important to experiment with different ammo and arrow types to determine their Critical Ranges in order to deal as much damage possible.
Monster Hunter World Light Bowgun Tips
The blasts caused by Wyvernblast ammo vary depending on the type of attack used. More powerful attacks will create more powerful explosions.
Monster Hunter World Bow Tips
Charged Shots
Bows are at their most powerful when you charge up arrows before you shoot them. You can shoot Charged Shots by holding down the fire or by shooting arrows in quick succession.
Lunging Melee Attacks
You can perform a Lunging Melee Attack after performing a Charging Sidestep. This attack can be used to mount monsters.
Monster Hunter World Equipment Tips
Specialized Tools
Specialized Tools activate powerful effects for a set amount of time. Equip them from the item box, and use them on quests by selecting them from the Item Bar.
Charms can be used to activate helpful Skills.
Upgrading Charms
Some Charms can be upgraded with the materials at the Smithy. Upgrading charms powers up the skill they contain.
Hidden Elements
Some High Rank weapons contain Hidden Elements such as Fire in Wyvern Ignition Impact Greatsword. You can unlock a weapon’s hidden element by equipping it while the Free Element or Ammo Up skill is activated. Awakening Charm can be used to activate it by 66%.
MHW Skills & Decorations Tips
Stacking Skill Effects
By equipping Armor or Charms with the same skills, you can power up the effects of certain skills.
Equipment Slots
Some equipment made from High Rank materials contain slots, which can be filled with MHW decorations that activate skills.
Obtaining Decorations
You can acquire Appraisal Items from High Rank quests . After you appraise these items, you can use them as decorations. Attach decorations to your equipment slots to activate special skills.
Slot Level
Decorations can only be inserted into Slots of the same level or higher.
Setting Decorations
You can attach or remove decorations at the Smithy or the Item Box.
Monster Hunter World Slinger Tips
Slinger Ammo
Slinger ammo must be collected out in the field. Though there are many types of ammo, you can only carry one type at a time. Picking up another type of ammo will discard the current ammo.
Stones can be picked up and used as Slinger Ammo. Though they don’t deal much damage, you can use them to hit faraway plants, barrel bombs or boulders.
Brightmoss can be equipped as Slinger Ammo and can be fired at walls or other objects to illuminate the area. You can also shoot it at the heads of Flying Wyverns to make them fall out of the air.
Redpits can be picked up and used as Slinger Ammo. Same as Stones they don’t do much damage, but they can add a small stun effect when hit at heads of the monsters.
Scatternuts can be picked up after falling them off of trees using stone or Redpits. When they hit something, they break apart, emitting a loud noise and small shockwaves that can stun monsters.
Slinger Torches
Slinger Torch Ammo — Torch Pods — bursts into flame when it lands, repelling certain monsters, and potentially attracting monsters that are drawn to fire.
Slinger Bombs
Slinger Bombs or Bomb Pods explode on impact and deal heavy damage. (eg. 60 Damage)
Piercing Pods
Piercing pods can pierce their target to inflict damage, which can be picked up and used as Slinger Ammo dropped by monsters. Firing at the right place will get you more damage than Bomb pods.
Slinger Thorn
Slinger Thorn ammo or Thorn Pods which are dropped by monsters, sticks to the target and explode when hit with an attack.
Dragon Pods
Dragon Pods again dropped by monsters can inflict Dragon Damage and even flinch the monster. For example, if you’re not in a position to Flash the fleeing Nergigante, you can fire Dragon Pods to get it back on the fight without fleeing.
Puddle Pods
Watermoss can be picked up and used as Slinger Ammo called Puddle Pods. Try using it to trigger faraway plants and Barrel Bombs, or to clean mud off of a target. I also use Puddle Pods on Kirin.
Flashbugs can be collected and used as Slinger Ammo called Flash Pods. They emit a blinding flash of light upon contact. Flash Pods are the magic item #1 to stop any monster for some heavy hitting. However, it doesn’t work on Tzitzi YaKu and Kirin. All flying monsters such as Rathalos fall down with Flash Pods.
Dung Pods
Dung Pods produce a stench so vile that it causes the monsters to flee the area. You can craft Dung Pods by gathering monster dung that you find out in the field.
Utilizing The Environment
Vitalities are plants that release a curative nectar when struck. This nectar restores the health of anyone that touches it.
When struck, Flashflies emit a flash of light that can stun monsters. The flash is stronger when more Flashflies struck at once. So get your team mates to handle all Flashflies at once.
Sporepuffs release a cloud of spores when struck, that can be used to provide camouflage.
Paratoads release a spray of gas when struck and it’s strong enough to even paralyze large monsters.
Wiggly Litchi
These nutrient-rich larvae can be consumed to halve Stamina Depletion for a short time.
Vigorwasps collect vitality nectar to make their honey, and release it in a cloud when struck. This can serve as a useful method of healing when out in the field.
Posincups release a shower of poisonous fluid when struck. Watch your step, as the poison remains pooled on the ground for a short time.
Sleeptoads can put even large monsters to sleep by releasing a spray of strong gas when struck.
Nitrotoads release a spray of volatile liquid that explodes with enough power to stagger even large monsters, when struck.
Palico Tips
Trusty Hunting Pawtners
Palicoes are reliable comrades while out on the hunt. They’ll support you in numerous ways during quests, from attacking monsters to using useful gadgets such as Plunderblade.
Palico Equipment
You can forge Palico equipment at the Smithy. Materials are required to forge it, just as with Hunter Armor.
Palico Gadgets
Palico Gadgets are support tools that your Palicoes can use in the field to provide a variety of useful effects, from damage-dealing to healing and buffing.
Your Palico can speak with Grimalkynes and certain other monsters to convince them to help you on your hunts. Those you befriend will accompany you for a short time as Tailraiders.
What Furr-iends Are For
The Palicoes of hunters and friends you’ve exchanged Guild Cards with will sometimes appear out in the field. Talk to them and they might tag along to help you on your hunt!
Palico Training
While your Palico is on standby, it will automatically train itself, gradually gaining small amounts of experience.
Gadget Proficiency
Your Palico has a degree of proficiency for each Palico Gadget. Proficiency improves every time your Palico takes the gadget out on a hunt. As your Palico becomes more proficient, the gadget becomes more effective.
Endemic Life Tips
Omenflies are insects that glow red in the presence of large monsters. Look for them and note their color to get a quick feel for the area around you.
These black-feathered birds with red-topped crests are often seen picking meat from monster carcasses. They’re also commonly seen circling the skies above large monsters, waiting for a chance at the leftovers.
Sushifish are popular hunter staple. Their nutrient-rich scales can also be used to restore health.
Carrier Ants
Carrier Ants have been known to carry around various objects. There have been rare sightings of them from carrying around materials from large monsters.
Iron Helmcrabs
These creatures like to carry around hard objects like stones, and are often found holding Piercing Pods.
Great Fish
Many species of fish have “Great” specimens that are unusually large. These have more powerful effects when used as items and result in more Research Points.
Rare Endemic Life
The New World is filled with creatures, some of which only appear at certain times or during certain weather conditions such as Rainbow bug. Speak to the Endemic Life Researcher to find out more.
Endemic Pets
Endemic Creatures you capture can be placed various spots in your room. Certain critters can only be placed in specific areas of your room, and the number you can place depends on the type of room. Speak with your housekeeper to place your pets.
About The Commission
The Elder Crossing
The Elder Crossing is an Ecological phenomena in which Elder Dragons travel to the New World. Though it used to occur only once every 100 years or so, the Crossings now occur about once in every 10 years. Mysteriously, some Elder Dragons never even make it to the New World.
Elder Dragons
Elder Dragons are monsters that are far removed from the known tree of life. The very appearance of an Elder Dragon is enough to cause natural phenomena and disasters. Much remains unknown about them.
The Research Commission
The Commission is made up of the elite members of the Guild. Included in their number are hunters, scholars and engineers, all whom were required to pass rigorous tests before they could join.
The New World
Though its existence was known of for a long time, the New World remained unexplored because of how far away it was, and because of the dangerous weather surrounding it. Advances in seafaring technology, however, have allowed the Commission to land Five Fleets on the New World.
Standard gear for the hunters of the Research Commission. These small insects give off a green glow, and are stored in a small cage. They can pick up particular scents and substances, which comes in handy when the Research Commission goes on expeditions, or is tracking down a monster.
Standard gear for the Research Commission’s hunters. They resemble small crossbows attached to the left arm, and can shoot stones, knives, ropes, capture nets and more.
The Research Base
Researchers comprise 90% of the Third Fleet, whose base currently rests in the Great Ravine. The Third Fleet was trapped after their airship balloons were destroyed by a monster. They are currently conducting research on the Rotten Vale.
The Tale of The Five
The sigils of the Research Commission are all derived from the Tale of The Five. You can read this story from a book in the Chamber of The Five.
NOTE: More Monster Hunter World tips are coming soon. Be sure to bookmark this page, so you can come back to see the final with 1000s of MHW tips.
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