You might have noticed or at least heard about the Chamber of The Five, Tale of The Five and Sapphire Star while playing Monster Hunter World. The Tale of The Five is a book in MHW telling the story of how the world began. The Chamber of The Five is the place where Tale of The Five book can be found in the ship on the top.
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Tale Of The Five — Story Time …
Once there was a world without time. The world was nothing but white light, inhabited only by people and five dragons.
In that world, there was only eternity, and a sun that burned without beginning or end. And because there was only timeless eternity, nothing was ever lost … yet nothing was ever gained.
One day, the people began to wonder why their world had no beginning or end, so they asked the dragons.
The dragons opened their mouths as if to answer, but from their mouths poured water instead of words. It rushed out in streams to create the sky and the oceans, and the dragons swam away. The dragons swam to the center of the ocean and there they began to transform into an island.
One dragon sank into the sea and became the land.
One dragon lifted its gaze to the sky and became the mountains.
One dragon stooped low and became the lakes, and scattered its scale to create the rain.
One dragon fell into a deep slumber and became the forests.
The last dragon climbed far into the sky to become a Star of Sapphire Blue, shining brightly above the island.
The people could not understand why the dragons had left, or why they had transformed. Eventually, a lone youth decided to go the island to seek the answers from the dragons themselves. He donned a simple cloak, climbed into a simple boat, and cast off alone into the murky seas.
At last, guided by the light of Sapphire Star, he reached the Island of The Five.
Some time passed, and the youth returned.
“Did you speak with the Dragons?” the people asked.
“Yes, I spoke with them,” he replied.
“Then tell us, why did they create the island?”
But the youth did not answer. Instead, he reached into his cloak and pulled out five Dragon Scales, which he gave to the people. And then, before anyone realized, the youth disappeared.
The people left their white world and sailed across the ocean.
Using the five scales, they created their own lands, their own mountains, their own lakes, and their own forests. Last of all they created a bright moon, so that the Sapphire Star, which had guided the youth during his voyage to seek the dragons, would no longer shines alone in the sky.
The land grew large enough to obscure the sun, and day and night were born.
The mountains, lakes and forests breathed together, and the seasons were born. The moon casts its light on the ocean, and waves were born.
And thus time was also born.
Swept up on the almighty current of time, the people came to know death. But the people also came to know life.
Countless days and countless nights have passed since people first came to live on the islands they had created. As time passed, they lost their memory of the Five Dragons, and even the memory of how Time itself had been born.
But deep in their hearts there dwelt a quite knowledge of the Island of The Five, the most sacred place in the world, which to this day sleeps in the middle of the ocean, uninhabited by people, and unchanged even by the relentless flow of time.
Housekeeper Knows It!
Your Housekeeper says various things about the Sapphire Star and the Tale of The Five book. Chamber of The Five which is located in the Gathering Hub cabin exists until you get access to the final Unlockable Room in Monster Hunter World. After that this Chamber of The Five is converted to your final Unlockable Room, Private Suite.
The Chamber of The Five holds a purr-ecious place in the hearts of Commission members, especially those of the First Fleet.
When times were tough, they would gaze up at that window with its depiction of the Tale of the Five until their hearts were soothed.
The chamber, the window, and the Tale of the Five itself… It’s all tied to our greatest symbol of hope – our Sapphire Star.
Housekeeper isn’t the only one nudging the Tale of The Five story. The Seeker says following,
When I decided to go after Xeno’jiiva alone, I felt like a certain voyager braving the dark sea in a tiny boat…
But was it the Sapphire Star I was following, or Xeno’jiiva?
…I’ll never know the answer to that, will I?
The Sapphire Star
According to the Tale of The Five book, The Sapphire Star is one of the five dragons who climbed far into the sky to become a star. It’s the same Sapphire Star’s light that guided the Youth in his voyage to cross the sea for Island of The Five.
After you finish the main storyline in Monster Hunter World, you come to know the secret behind Elder Crossing. The Sapphire Star is the final boss monster, Xeno’jiiva, because Xeno’jiiva is the one who guided the Elder Dragons from Old World to New World, which is the Island of The Five. New World also has 5 areas with mountains, lakes, forests etc. and the Xeno’jiiva’s nest is North in the Elder’s Recess.
Then there is another Sapphire Star in Astera, it’s YOU. Everybody calls you The Sappire Star once you beat the 3 Elder Dragons — Tempered Nergigante, Tempered Teostra, Tempered Kushala Daora — in “The Sapphire Star’s Guidance” optional quest. Because you’re the guidance to all hunters in Astera to become a Pro Hunter.
If you know more things about the Sapphire Star and Tale of The Five, share it below.
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