MHW Diablos is a tough monster and commonly known as Horned Wyvern. Remember the “King of the Skies” and the Apex Monster in Ancient Forest — MHW Rathalos —? Well! Diablos is the Apex Monster in Wildspire Waste, though it eats only cacti!
MHW Diablos is also a one of the 2 Apex Monsters you’ve to defeat, before getting The First Wyverian’s mouth opened about Zorah Magdaros.
I’m sure you’ve had a rough time with MHW Diablos and that’s why you came here. No worries! Everybody had their rough time with this scary Horned Wyvern.
So let’s take a much more closer look at Monster Hunter World Diablos to learn more about its Weaknesses, usual Wildspire Waste locations, Health and a surefire strategy to beat MHW Diablos.
Targeting Diablos Elemental Weakness as well as weak spots helps. However, former is not required when you’ve mastered the Diablos Hunt. How about watching what these little details can do to the scary Diablos — Oops, Poor Diablos?
Video coming soon!
Sneak a Peak!
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MHW Diablos Weakness
Diablos Weak Parts
Diablos Elemental Weakness
MHW Diablos Location
MHW Diablos Rewards
How To Get Diablos Rare Rewards
How To Beat Diablos
Diablos Strategy #1 — Hit & Run
Diablos Strategy #2 — Mount. KO. COMBO
Diablos Strategy #3 — Sleep Bomb Sniping
MHW Diablos Armor
Diablos FAQs
MHW Diablos, At a Glance
MHW Diablos | |
Type | Large Monster |
Species | Flying Wyvern |
Rank | All Ranks |
Elemental Power | None |
Ailment Power |
Main Location | Wildspire Waste |
Resistance | Fire |
First Quest | A Horned Tyrant Below the Sand |
Roar? | Yes |
Turf Wars? |
Ailment Weakness |
Elemental Weakness |
Pod Weakness |
Hostile? | Yes, when seen at close-range |
Max Tempered Level | 2 |
Weak Parts |
Main Attacks |
Nesting Area | Area 14, Wildspire Waste |
Armor Set Bonus |
Reward Materials |
MHW Diablos Weakness
Monster Hunter World gives you a lot of useful tips inside the game, and they totally help you become a better hunter. As you collect Diablos Tracks, your Hunter’s Notes gets updated by Ecological Center with various Diablos tidbits.
Of course, you have to collect enough tracks to get ALL the MHW Diablos information.
But if you still haven’t reached that point, take a good look at below screenshots.
As of now I have hunted down 198 MHW Diablos and captured 52. And yeah like you, I too had trouble defeating it. Actually Diablos caused so much pain till I had nothing left to try under my sleeves at that moment, but not more than the Anjanath in the Ancient Forest.
Then with some SOS help I finally ended the Diablos story, and learned almost everything about this monster going to any Diablos SOS requests I saw.
Alrighty then, here is what’s shown for Diablos Weakness under Diablos Physiology in Hunter’s Notes. Yep, we are going to find out how to exploit Diablos Weaknesses in a moment.

Diablos Weak Parts are …
- Head
- Front of Wings
- Chest
- BONUS: Mid-section of Tail
- BONUS: Back
So you shouldn’t focus on the Diablos legs, horns or the end of Tail where you see the big ship-like part. But you know what, with a good weapon you can easily break the Twin Horns which gives Diablos rare rewards.
If you’re using Tenderizer Decorations to gain Weakness Exploit skill, then you really shouldn’t focus on any of the 3 parts above as well as the Back too.
I always target the Diablos Chest and Mid-section of Tail when I’m using Greatsword. Somehow if I have to face Diablos face and Horns, I’m doing Greatsword Charged Tackles which also can easily break horns and Stun the monster.
After going over 2,000 rampage Greatsword hunts, I started to use Heavy Bowgun and I’m like surprised about the damage caused by Piercing Ammo to the big guy, MHW Diablos.
Piercing Ammo do crazy piercing damage when you target the wings. It’s Too Awesome to keep watching!! See the fun it brings in the video above.
TIP: Be near one of the Pillars and then jump away when Diablos comes at you with its Charging Attack to stuck it for a few seconds. Watch how Diablos try harder to get the horns out when you do this, in the video.
If you’re a regular to GamesTunnel Live Streams, you know Mounting. Knock Out. Biggest Combo. is one of my favorite strategies for almost any monster. However, there is not much environmental support to perform a Mid-Air Attack in the first 2 areas.
In the first 2 areas, you can use Sliding to do Mid-Air attacks or get the Diablos to break one of the pillars in the Upper Layer.
Diablos Tail can be severed as usual with any other monsters, but you should focus on the Mid-section of the Tail, but not the Tail’s End like in Rathalos as the End is not a Weak Spot. For this effort, you’ll be rewarded with rare stuffs, but about that in a moment!
Diablos Elemental Weaknesses are …
- Ice
- Water
- Dragon
- Thunder
Like I said, I don’t change my favorite weapons just to get a bit of advantage over Elemental Damage if it’s not Behemoth or AT Monsters. So it’s up to you to decide whether you exploit Diablos Elemental Weakness.
But I don’t do the same thing with Ailment Weaknesses, because after I started using Heavy Bowgun, one thing I’m in love with is, Monster Ailments.
Diablos Ailment Weaknesses are …
- Paralysis
- Poison
- Sleep
- Blast
- Stun
I mean Diablos Ailment weaknesses can stop the monster for a bit. If you love stopping, then using 2x Paralysis, 2x Sleep and 2x Traps to rape the monster suits you.
These days Sleep is my favorite as my Empress Cannon “Styx” has only Sleep Ammo support. Funny thing is, I can sleep the monster 4 times without resupply. Watch how I Sleep Bomb Sniping the poor Diablos in the video above
TIP: Screamer Pods can also stun the Diablos, when it’s coming at you with its Underground Burrowing & Pop attack. Just fire your Screamer Pod as soon as Diablos Tail goes under the sand, it’ll come out with a Boom Stun 😉
While Screamer Pods do wonders to the big guy, irreplaceable Flash Pods can also distract the monster 13 times, if you wish.
MHW Diablos Location
Unlike other monsters such as Rathalos, poor Diablos cannot be found anywhere else other than Wildspire Waste. If you ever find a Diablos outside Wildspire Waste, that’s a captured one in Special Arena.
Here are common Diablos Locations …
- Area #13
- Area #14
- Area #8
- Area #6
How about if you had the chance to watch these EXACT places? Yeah! I won’t stop you from that. Go on, scroll down!
Area #13, Northeast Camp (15) is Closest

Area #14, Northeast Camp (15) is Closest

Area #8, Northeast Camp (15) is Closest

Area #6, Central Camp (6) is Closest

If you’ve been wondering how to find Diablos, or had a hard time even seeing a one, now you know where to look.
TIP: Okey Dokey!! I can’t stop giving this one tip. Come on! Just build all 4 Wildspire Waste Camps. Find all Wildspire Waste camps here.
MHW Diablos Rewards
Armors, Weapons and Charms using Diablos parts or powers require various Diablos Rewards. As usual, there are 5 ways you can gain Diablos rewards,
- By hunting Diablos.
- By carving a slayed Diablos.
- By breaking Diablos body parts.
- By melding Diablos Blos Medulla at Elder Melder.
- By purchasing at Argosy.
Fourth and Fifth options are only available for Hunters who have progressed further in the MHW Storyline, so your only option might be killing or capturing a Diablos.
There are 3 Diablos rare rewards,
- Majestic Horn
- Blos Medulla
- Diablos Marrow
How To Get Diablos Rare Rewards — Majestic Horn, Blos Medulla & Marrow?
Most of the MHW Diablos rewards are not that harder to get, for example it’s not harder like in MHW Rathalos. However, Majestic Horn and Blos Medulla is bit harder than Diablos Marrow as both of them available only in HR Diablos hunts.
Diablos Marrow can only be obtained by,
- Carving a slayed Diablos in LR.
- Quest Rewards for defeating or capturing a Diablos in LR.
- Breaking the Diablos Back in LR.
This means if you use a weapon which you cannot attack Diablos Back, you’re missing one option to get a Diablos Marrow.
Diablos Blos Medulla can only be obtained by,
- Carving a slayed Diablos in HR.
- Quest Rewards for defeating or capturing a Diablos in HR.
- Breaking the Diablos Back in HR.
Diablos Majestic Horn can only be obtained by,
- Breaking the Diablos Horns in HR.
Well, there’s ONLY 1 way you can get a Diablos Majestic Horn and that too on High Rank. You can break both horns of Diablos to increase your chances of getting this Diablos rare reward.
And most people avoid targeting Diablos face or Horns due to massive range of attack with those parts. If you’re one of those avoiding hunters, then you’ll have a really hard time obtaining a Majestic Horn.
Greatsword Tackle works great to break Diablos Horns. And if you’re a Longsword guy, you have your super move which you can avoid any Monster Attack like it didn’t happen, that too without any Health Loss!
Some of these Rare Rewards no longer become rare once you have progressed through the story as both Argosy and Elder Melder options also become available. You could even ready Research Point or Wyverian Print payments too easily.
However, Majestic Horn has ONLY 1 way and that’s the only way, I’ve seen so far!
How To Beat Diablos in Monster Hunter World — #3 Strategies
If you’ve been here this far in GamesTunnel’s MHW Diablos Guide, you’re fully aware of,
- Diablos Weaknesses [Weak Parts, Weak Elements, Weak Ailments, Weak Pods]
- Diablos Nesting location
- Diablos Main Attacks list
- Diablos Rewards list and factors
Those Diablos tidbits alone can help you face this scary Horned Wyvern yourself, but here are 3 surefire strategies you can use to easily beat Diablos.
First MHW Diablos you meet in the A Horned Tyrant Below the Sand quest will be Low Rank, so much easier to takedown. This LR Diablos has 3500~ HP.
However, HR Diablos has 6000~ HP and varies by Investigation or Tempered Level. Then again HP increases by 2.5 if you SOS, or bring a team.
Quick Prepping Guide,
- Upgrade your Armor to Max Level which gives you More Defense. (Max available for you)
- Upgrade your chosen Weapon to Max Level which gives you More Attack or Damage per shot. (Max available for you)
- Focus on using Better Skills Armor parts such as Maximum Might, Weakness Exploit, Attack, Critical Eye, Elementless and Guard. Of course, you can’t have all of them.
- Don’t try to get any Defense, Health, Damage Reduction Skills with Armor.
- Eat for Max Health with Attack & Defense Boost at the Camp’s Canteen before the hunt.
- Don’t be GREEDY! Don’t get hit by watching Monster Moves and Animations.
- Learn the Superman Dive Jump. Seriously!
Diablos Strategy #1 — Hit & Run
This is the very basic strategy everybody knows and uses, but easily forgets due to so much greed for satisfying combos. Most people assume time for a full-fledge Combo is every time you draw out the weapon.
But in reality, this world as well as the game world is NOT built for whole time satisfaction.
If it was, you wouldn’t fail, disappoint. Sooner you realize this, better you become with Hit & Run strategy.
You need to calculate the time it takes for you to sheath in and out your weapon, or you’ll get hit while you sheath out when you only have the time to roll or guard.
You need to be aware of all common Diablos moves and animations, or you’ll get hit so badly in a streak, plus a one final shot when you’re seeing Stars!
Diablos often does a Tail Swing after a Charging Attack, and if you’re far away it sometimes goes for a Underground Burrowing attack. This attack is how most new hunters get kicked, because their timing sucks when rolling.
If you’re using Greatsword, you can block the Undeground Burrowing attack. If it’s a Heavy Bow Gun with Shield custom Mods, you can block it. You can simply roll away at the right time, or do a Superman Dive Jump with perfect timing.
When To Attack Diablos …
In the Hit & Run strategy, you don’t focus on combos. Just 1-2 Hits and then Move away. In order to do this, you need to be aware of the Diablos Pattern.
- Diablos scream as soon as it sees you for the first time as well as couple of times during a fight, you can avoid Scream Animation by timed rolling, Superman Dive Jump or Guarding. If you can do this while close to Diablos, you have a chance to Hit twice.
- Then run to the same direction as Diablos when its doing the Charging Attack, but without getting hit. Place yourself under the Diablos Chest and attack twice.
- Once you learn to roll safely when Diablos doing its Underground Burrowing attack, you can hit twice if you do it right.
- You can stuck Diablos to Wildspire Pillars for like 3-seconds. You can again do 2 hits. There are 3-4 Wildspires you can use.
- Greatsword hunters can Tackle every single Diablos attack, when timed properly to keep attacking.
- Longsword hunters can master the Foresight Slash, super move letting you avoid any attack without any health loss.
Since I’m using Greatsword for most hunts, I Tackle each Diablos Charging Attack. Funny thing is, when it’s normal LR or HR Diablos, Horns break and the Diablos stops the Charging Attack like it hit a wall.
Of course, that requires a couple of Tackles or a few Charged Tackles.
While Hit & Run is a more safe approach, if you have a weapon which lets you mount the Diablos, go for it.
Diablos Strategy #2 — Mount. KnockOut. BIGGEST COMBO.
Everything I said in Hit & Run strategy applies to the 2nd Diablos Strategy, because the first one is a fundamental basic way of hunting every single monster in Monster Hunter World.
Mount. KnockOut. Biggest Combo. strategy is more advanced and also fun.
Each monster has a specific Damage Total for various body parts. Once you do enough damage to meet that number for a target body part, monster falls down — A KnockOut!
Then there are Staggers (Flinch) too. Similar to how Knockouts work, Staggering also happens with a specific Damage Total.
But instead of falling down, monster only goes a step back stopping whatever attack or animation it is doing.
In this strategy, we’re going to target all sorts of KnockOuts, Staggering, Stuns, Traps and Pods to do satisfying massive combos to Diablos in Monster Hunter World.
Mounting & Staying
Once you mount Diablos, target the Diablos Tail until the KnockOut happens. If you prefer, you can stop doing the final blow when the Diablos signals it’s ready for the KnockOut. As soon as Diablos gets back its Stamina, start attacking again.
You can do that like 3 times before Diablos KnockOut automatically. Then quickly position yourself near the Diablos Tail and do your BIGGEST COMBO.
With Greatsword, you often can do Normal Slash, Charged Slash Lv2 and True Charged Slash when Diablos is Knocked Out. Or You can do Normal Slash, Tackle and True Charged Slash.
Focus on Diablos Tail until its severed.
You can stay mounted longer with the earlier tip. Then you can mount a monster at least 2 times if you hunt faster, or 3 times for 10-min hunts. Leverage the Mounting and Mounted Time as many times as available.
Also don’t try to mount the monster as soon as you finish your BIGGEST COMBO. Instead deal more damage and then launch the 2nd mounting attempt.
Quick Hit & Run
Once Diablos is back up after having your delicious combo, it’ll most probably do a Charged Attack. If it’s a melee weapon, quickly position yourself below the Diablos Chest and do a 2-Hit & Run.
Or you can stop Diablos with a Flash Pod by inflicting a stun. Keep in mind, Flash Pod stuns can make Diablos do blind attacks. Most common attack when Flash Pod stunned is 2-Sided Ramming attack. So positioning yourself behind the Diablos will be good.
I am Podman!
Keep both Flash Pods and Screamer Pods near each other in the Item Bar as you need to switch between them quickly.
If Diablos goes for its Underground Burrowing attack, quickly switch to Screamer Pods and shoot it on the ground as soon as Diablos is completely underground.
You should be ALWAYS closer to Diablos when you use Screamer Pods, or the Attack Window is wasted. So run towards him or wait for him to come near you when shooting Screamer Pods. Timing is important once again.
You can use 13 Flash Pods and 13 Screamer Pods with 3 Flash Pods, 10 Flash Bugs, 3 Screamer Pods and 10 Screamer Sacs. That’s more than enough!
Screamer Sacs are needed to craft Screamer Pods, so be sure to hunt dozens of Nois — Flying small monsters above Northeast Camp(15) in Wildspire Waste.
Tail Gone. Next … Chest
As soon as the Diablos Tail is cut, your next focus is the Diablos Chest. With enough damage at this point, Diablos will KnockOut once again automatically because the body part Damage Total is met.
Honeypots For You
Next thing in the arsenal is Pitfall Traps. Unlike Shock Traps which gets broken if the Diablos burrows below it, Pitfall Traps work great for Diablos.
Similar to Pods, you can bring a total of 4 Traps. 1 Pitfall Trap, 1 Shock Trap and 2 Trap Tools + 2 Nets for crafting 2 more Pitfall Traps.
So as a quick summary of Mount. KnockOut. BIGGEST COMBO. strategy,
- Start the hunt by mounting Diablos.
- Stay mounted while attacking until the Diablos Knockout automatically — Not by your final blow.
- Do your biggest combo quickly on Diablos Tail.
- Use up to 13 Flash Pods to distract Diablos, then attack from behind.
- Use up to 13 Screamer Pods to stuck half of Diablos within sand, then attack Chest from the front side.
- Focus on Chest after cutting down Diablos Tail to automatically KnockOut Diablos.
- Then use 4 Traps at the same time after Diablos free from each Trap, while dealing good damage.
- Diablos might automatically KnockOut once again, if you deal heavy damage. If not go for 2nd, 3rd Mounting.
This strategy creates a LOT of windows to attack Diablos, assuming you leverage all these opportunities, Diablos should be done by the end of everything.
You can also capture the Diablos at 30% HP instead of killing, but that’s up to you to decide.
Diablos Strategy #3 — Sleep Bomb Sniping
Okay guys! This is my favorite strategy these days that I’m using for a lot of monsters.
But this requires a Wyvernsnipe Bowgun!
Bow takes a lot of arrows to sleep a monster. I haven’t played Light Bowgun yet, so I know Heavy Bowgun is great for sleeping monsters than Bow.
In fact, you can watch how I sleep HR Diablos in Wildspire Waste Expedition 4 times with a single item loadout in the video above.
First sleep comes with 3 shots of Sleep Ammo #2 always. I brought a total of 8 Sleep #2 ammo and 12 Sleep #1 ammo plus the Spare Shots coming with my Empress Cannon “Styx” Heavy Bowgun.
Out of the MHW weapons I’ve tried so far, HBG Snipe shot is the most powerful I’ve seen. It’s fast. It’s flexible, It recharges quickly. It pierces the monster and finally it explodes like HELL!
Watch how I One Shot KnockOut the mighty Behemoth. HBG Snipe shot is that powerful. Think how powerful it will be, if you were to use Trueshot Jewel twice with all other Attack buffs.
Things you need,
- Any Wyvernsnipe Bowgun with Sleep Ammo #1 and #2 as well as Piercing Ammo #1 support with good capacity.
- Up to 9 Mega Bombs.
- Having Cluster Bombs are good.
- Up to 4 Pitfall Traps.
- Up to 13 Screamer Pods.
Out of all 3 Diablos Strategies, Sleep Bomb Sniping is THE best. This is the Too Awesome strategy that will make you explode like MHW Diablos, but with Happiness!!
This time no Hit & Run, mostly.
You can use everything in Mount. KnockOut. BIGGEST COMBO. strategy with this one as preferred.
Here we go by being the Winner, already …
Initiate Sleep Mode
Equip your best Wyvernsnipe Bowgun with Sleep Ammo #1, #2 and Piercing Ammo #1, #2 support. Having a lower recoil at least for these 2 ammo types will make the fight faster.
Eat your meal at the camp and then visit the Diablos after selecting Sleep Ammo #2 in the ammo slot. Now fire 3-shots and it will sleep.
Quickly put 2 Mega Bombs exactly on top of the Diablos Chest. Load your Wyvernsnipe Special Ammo. Now position yourself couple of steps away from the Diablos Neck and shoot, so that the snipe shot goes through the Neck, Bombs, Chest and Tail.
What? N I N E Mega Bombs?
Now quickly craft 2 more Mega Bombs.
In case you still haven’t figured that out, we bring 9 Mega Bombs similar to how we brought 13 Screamer Pods. You can bring 2 Mega Bombs, 2 Barrel Bombs, 5 Barrels, 10 Devil’s Blight and 20 Gunpowder.
Like that you need to craft new Mega Bombs, Sleep Ammo as soon as possible.
Cluster Bombs Rain vs Special Snipe Shot
Once Diablos is back up and running, shoot 8 Sleep Ammo #2 or more if it’s Sleep Ammo #1. It’ll go back to sleep once again. But you wouldn’t have Special Snipe Shot charged. In this case, I put my 2 Mega Bombs on the same spot as earlier.
Then use Cluster Bombs rain. My HBG can rain up to 6 Cluster Bombs from Level #1, #2 and #3. Sometimes I get spare shots, so I often do 8-10 Cluster Bombs.
However, Diablos will wake up, scream and then try to do a Charged Attack before I finish my rain. To fix that, we use a Pitfall Trap right between me and Diablos. So even if Diablos do the Charged Attack or the Underground Burrowing attack, it’ll be ready for my rain.
It Still Happens, With What We Have
If for some reason your HBG doesn’t support Cluster Bombs. Then you can use Piercing Ammo till your Special Snipe Shot is recharged or use a Wyvernblast shot before placing a Pitfall Trap like I explained a moment ago.
As soon as the Diablos is trapped, you either rain all available Clusters WITHOUT reloading OR fire all available Piercing Ammo after positioning yourself left to Diablos Wings.
Yeah, that’s because Piercing Ammo hits through Diablos this wing to other wing doing crazy amount of damage. Don’t focus Chest or anything below as Piercing Shots only work better when it’s a topside part like top of Back, Tail or Wings.
Reload! Reload!
Now evade Diablos carefully while also reloading all our main ammo and crafting Mega Bombs, Pitfall Traps. In case you need more Sleep Ammo, bringing 10 Sleep Herbs would be useful.
You can stuck it on a Wildspire pillar, if you’re having a hard time reloading.
Now back to the fight. If you’re comfortable in using Screamer Pods, this is your chance to use all 13 Screamer Pods or less until your Special Snipe Shot is recharged, or till you’ve reloaded Piercing Ammo, Sleep Ammo and Cluster Bombs.
Sleep is Coming, Again …
Launch the 3rd Diablos Sleep and repeat the same process as earlier. Goal is to stuck the Diablos either by Sleep, Pitfall Trap, Wildspire Pillar or Screamer Pod. Don’t give any chance for Diablos to playaround.
TIP: You can drain the Monster’s Stamina by repeatedly attacking, Or making it run around with heavy moves. Lost Stamina monsters will move slow, drool saliva and weaker attacks.
MHW Diablos Armor
There are 2 Monster Hunter World Diablos armor types as as Low Rank and High Rank. As with all LR Armors, they are useless as soon as you defeat the Diablos first.
From that moment you get access to High Rank, so you should craft HR Armor since then.
Rarity #5 Armors start from High Rank monsters. MHW Diablos HR Armor has again 2 types as Diablos Alpha and Diablos Beta. Find more specific details about all 3 Diablos Armors in the table below.
Detail | Diablos Armor | Diablos Alpha Armor [α] | Diablos Beta Armor [β] |
Rank | Low Rank | High Rank | High Rank |
Defense | 160 | 270 | 270 |
Slots | No | No | Yes |
Total Cost | 15,000 | 45,000 | 45,000 |
Elemental Defenses | Fire 15 Dragon 10 | ||
Rarity | 4 | 5 | 5 |
Max Upgrade Level | 23 | 17 | |
Max Defense | 380 | 430 | |
Max Upgrade Cost | 110,960 | 584,600 | |
Set Bonus Skill | Diablos Power — Bludgeoner (3-Parts) | Diablos Mastery — Bludgeoner (2-Parts) Diablos Mastery — Non-Elemental Boost (4-Parts) | |
Armor Skills |
Required Materials | Diablos Helm
Diablos Mail
Diablos Vambraces
Diablos Coil
Diablos Greaves
| Diablos Helm Alpha
Diablos Mail Alpha
Diablos Vambraces Alpha
Diablos Coil Alpha
Diablos Greaves Alpha
| Diablos Helm Beta
Diablos Mail Beta
Diablos Vambraces Beta
Diablos Coil Beta
Diablos Greaves Beta
Time For Some FAQs
1. Can you capture Diablos in MHWorld?
Yeah, Diablos and any other monster which is not an Elder Dragon can be captured using a Trap and Tranq Bomb or Ammo. Just attack till Diablos starts to limp evade, then use the trap and Tranq bomb quickly.
2. What is MHW Diablos weak to?
MHW Diablos is weak to Ice Attacks and Paralysis ailments at the highest. Water, Dragon attacks as well as Sleep, Poison and Blast ailments also works great for this monster.
3. Where to find Diablos in MHW?
Diablos home is Wildspire Waste. Area #14 in Wildspire Waste is the nesting place of Diablos and the Northeast Camp (15) is the best camp when hunting Diablos as it’s the closest to both its nest and the most common place, Area #13.
4. When to fight Diablos in MHW?
Well! The best time to attack is when Diablos finishes its own attack. For example, you have a window after each Charged Attack unless Diablos directly goes for the Underground Burrowing attack. But having a specific Diablos strategy will help you a lot. Checkout the 3 Strategies above.
5. How to summon Diablos in Monster Hunter World?
If you’re feeling lazy to go and find Diablos, then you can summon it to your location. For this you need to visit Wildspire Waste’s Area #8 where you see the huge Wildspire pillars and Nois flying monsters.
Now attack these Nois using Slinger Stones found in the same area. When you attack Nois like this, they scream so hard and Diablos will come up after 2-3 screams.
I haven’t tried this yet, but Nois do this by screaming. So maybe Screamer Pods might work for this same thing too.
Hope you learned a TON and a little more about Monster Hunter World Diablos. If not, tackle your question in the comments.
Before you go out in the wild, I just want to ask you to do something precious for you.
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